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Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book II:—the naval war. (search)
ent department. He placed it in charge of General Hunter, a meritorious officer, cool and resolute,l operations on the left bank of the river. Hunter arrived at Tybee soon after his appointment. ck immediately. It had scarcely returned when Hunter gave the signal for the bombardment to commencThese services were the more important because Hunter and Dupont intended to take advantage of the ps who were to operate against Charleston. General Hunter resolved to avail himself of these advantafor the reception of the troops with which General Hunter expected to commence the siege of those fothe St. Helena Islands, where the main body of Hunter's forces was still cantoned, others from Tybeele being under the command of General Benham. Hunter came to spend a few days among his troops, butations against the forts. But no sooner had Hunter returned to Port Royal than Benham, deceived bents we have just been relating. We allude to Hunter's proclamation abolishing slavery in the three
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book III:—Maryland. (search)
ief of the army of the Potomac full freedom of action. But General Halleck had claimed for himself, as commander-in-chief, the exclusive direction of all the armies in the field, and Mr. Lincoln, conscious of his own incompetency, submitted to this new authority. All the measures taken for placing the army of the Potomac in a condition to resume the offensive were immediately altered. Burnside had brought seven thousand men to Fort Monroe from Newberne; four thousand more, taken away from Hunter, had joined him at Hampton Roads from Beaufort; this important reinforcement was temporarily detained, and landed on the sand-beach of Newport News; no assistance was even sent to the waters of the James to repair the ordinary losses which sickness entails upon all large armies; and McClellan, reduced to a subordinate command, remained as totally ignorant of the part reserved for his troops as the humblest of his soldiers. It even appeared as if General Halleck had made it a duty to cause
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book VII:—politics. (search)
tteries entrusted to their care. Meanwhile, Hunter, who had been recalled after the unfortunate Sn the 30th of October, and was replaced by General Hunter, who had already preceded him in the comma such questions to an army commander, and that Hunter's proclamation was incompatible with the propowho was himself placed under the orders of General Hunter with the rank of a military commander. By construction of forts, roads and wharves; but Hunter, on taking Sherman's place, saw that he could Mr. Lincoln cut short by deciding in favor of Hunter. The protection granted to fugitive slaves waand impolitic as was the proclamation by which Hunter had taken upon himself to free the slaves outs refused to submit his correspondence with General Hunter to the House; three weeks later, however, rnment and the sound good sense of the nation, Hunter openly avowed the measure for which he had beeore the Federal government concluded to follow Hunter in this direction. We shall quote, without [2 more...]