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Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War. 10 2 Browse Search
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Your search returned 6 results in 4 document sections:

Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 14: battle and capture of Fort Henry by the Navy. (search)
, Third Master; George W. Walker, Fourth Master; James McBride, Pilot; Marshall H. Ford, Pilot; Thomas Rice, Surgeon; Joseph H. Lewis, Paymaster; Charles M. Blasdell, Chief Engineer; R. J. Stearns First Assistant Engineer; George D. Simms, Second Assistant Engineer; Jeremiah Wetzel, Third Assistant Engineer; S. B. Brittan, Master's Mate; Matthias B. Snyder, Gunner; Thomas Steel, Carpenter;---Fletcher, Armorer. Gun-boat Lexington. James W. Shirk, U. S. N., Lieutenant Commanding; Jacob S. Hurd, First Master; Martin Dunn, Second Master; James Fitzpatrick, Third Master; Sylvester Poole, Fourth Master; James McCamant, Pilot; William Ford, Pilot; George W. Garver, Assistant Surgeon; Augustus F. Taylor, Acting Paymaster; Samuel Vroon, Gunner; Richard Carroll, Carpenter; Reuben Story, Armorer. Gun-boat Taylor. William Gwin, U. S. N., Lieutenant Commanding; Edwin Shaw, First Master; Jason Goudy, Second Master; James Martin, Third Master; Patrick McCarty, Fourth Master; John
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 25: capture of Fort Hindman or Arkansas Post. (search)
S. E. Brown; Acting-Master's Mates, Charles Ackley, H. S. Wetmore and Ira Athearn; Engineers: Acting-Chief, James Fleming; Acting Assistants, J R. Ramsey, Wm. Furch and E. M. Bumpus; Acting-Carpenter, A. B. Chapman. Steamer Robb. Acting-Volunteer-Lieutenant, Jason Goudy; Acting-Ensigns, Robert Wilkinson, W. Stoneall and E. C. Roe; Acting-Master's Mates, Lloyd Thomas and E. F. Rowe; Acting-Engineers, Benj. Emerson and John Miller. Steamer St. Clair. Acting-Volunteer-Lieutenant, J. S. Hurd; Acting-Assistant Surgeon, D. D. Winslow; Acting-Master, G. V. Fontly; Acting-Ensign, Jos. Watson; Acting-Master's Mates, H. A. Proctor, Jos. Hurd and E. C. Williams; Acting-Engineers, Wm. McLain, Edward Lozier and C. C. Hamilton. Steamer brilliant. Acting-Volunteer-Lieutenant, Chas. G. Perkins; Acting Assistant Surgeon, W. W. Howard; Acting-Assistant Paymaster, Horace Talcott; Acting-Ensigns, J. B. Dales, George Munday and G. D. Little; Acting-Master's Mate, J. J. Perkins; Acting-En
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 30: (search)
5). Steamer Signal.--*Acting-Volunteer-Lieutenant, C. Dominey (1863); Acting-Ensign W. P. Lee (1864). Steamer Covington.--Acting-Volunteer-Lieutenant.--* J. S. Hurd (1863); Acting-Volunteer-Lieutenant George P. Lord (1864). Steamer Robb.--* Ensign W. C. Handford; Acting-Ensign Lloyd Thomas (1864). Steamer New Era.--* age.--Acting-Master Thomas Wright (1864). Steamer Reindeer.--Acting-Volunteer-Lieutenant H. A. Glassford (1864). Steamer St. Clair.--Acting-Volunteer-Lieutenant J. S. Hurd; Acting-Volunteer-Lieutenant T. B. Gregory (1864). Steamer Lexington.--Lieutenant G. M. Bache (1864). Steamer Naumkeag.--Acting-Master John Rogers (1864). Steamer Keywest.-Acting-Volunteer Lieutenant E. M. King (1864). Steamer Exchange.--While commanding Covington. See page 18.) *Acting-Volunteer-Lieutenant J. S. Hurd (1864); Acting-Volunteer-Lieutenant J. C. Gipson (1865). Steamer Gazelle.--Acting-Ensign A. S. Palmer (1865). Steamer Avenger.--Acting-Volunteer-Lieu
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 42: Red River expedition.--continued. (search)
teamer Rattler. Acting-Volunteer-Lieutenant, James Laning; Acting-Assistant Surgeon, Scollay Parker; Acting-Assistant Paymaster, Geo. P. Peck; Acting-Master, D. W. Glenny; Acting-Ensigns, Wm. Ferguson and E. P. Nellis; Acting-Master s Mates, H. E. Church, M. C. Pickering and John Cronin; Engineers: Acting-First-Assistant, James L. Smith; Acting-Second-Assistant, G. W. Shields; Acting-Third-Assistants, Robert Russell and James H. Hume. Steamer Exchange. Acting-Volunteer-Lieutenant, J. S. Hurd; Acting-Assistant Surgeon, G. E. Francis; Acting-Assistant Paymaster, J. W. Gardner; Acting-Ensigns, C. L. Manly and Daniel Jones; Acting-Master s Mates, R. W. Brown, H. M. Scott and G. T. Miller; Engineers: Acting-First-Assistant, A. G. Perkins; Acting-Second-Assistant, C. C. Streepey; Acting-Third-Assistant, B. T. Graham. Steamer Brown. Acting-Volunteer-Lieutenant, J. A. French; Acting-Ensign, Jacob Shinn; Acting-Master's Mates, Martin Kelly and H. A. Thoburn; Engineers: Acting-F