Browsing named entities in William F. Fox, Lt. Col. U. S. V., Regimental Losses in the American Civil War, 1861-1865: A Treatise on the extent and nature of the mortuary losses in the Union regiments, with full and exhaustive statistics compiled from the official records on file in the state military bureaus and at Washington. You can also browse the collection for James Huston or search for James Huston in all documents.

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le Schurz's 359 47 13+ 84th Illinois Stone's River Palmer's 357 67 18+ 93d Illinois Alatoona Pass Corse's 290 34 11+ 14th Indiana Antietam French's 320 49 15+ 15th Indiana Stone's River T. J. Wood's 440 52 11+ 15th Indiana Mission Ridge Sheridan's 334 45 13+ 19th Indiana Manassas Hatch's 423 62 14+ 19th Indiana Antietam Doubleday's 202 28 13+ 19th Indiana Gettysburg Wadsworth's 288 41 14+ 22d Indiana Chaplin Hills Mitchell's 303 57 18+ 26th Indiana Prairie Grove Huston's 445 52 11+ 27th Indiana Antietam Williams's 409 41 10+ 27th Indiana Gettysburg Williams's 339 40 11+ 48th Indiana Iuka Hamilton's 434 48 11+ 73d Indiana Stone's River T. J. Wood's 331 38 11+ 87th Indiana Chickamauga Brannan's 380 61 16+ 3d Iowa (Cavalry) Pea Ridge ---- 235 27 11+ 3d Iowa (Inf.) Jackson Lauman's 241 36 14+ 5th Iowa Iuka Hamilton's 482 62 12+ 7th Iowa (8 Cos) Belmont Grant's 410 74 18+ 9th Iowa Pea Ridge E. A. Carr's 560 74 13+ 13th Iowa Atla
n Road and, also, at other times and places The regiment was mustered out August 31, 1865. Eighty-Second New York Infantry--Second N. Y. S. M. Harrow's Brigade — Gibbon's Division--Second Corps. (1) Col. George W. Tompkins. (2) Col. James Huston (Killed). (3) Col. Henry W. Hudson. Losses. Officers. En. Men. Total. Killed and mortally wounded 10 171 181 Died of disease, accidents, etc. 5 59 64 Died in Confederate prisons   24 24   Totals 15 254 269   rgest losses encountered by any division in any one battle during the war. The regiment was actively engaged at Gettysburg, and, in the battle of the second and third days, lost 192 killed or wounded out of the 305 who entered that fight. Colonel Huston was killed there, and the brigade (Harrow's) lost over sixty per cent. of its men. General Webb commanded the brigade during the Wilderness campaign, in which the gallant old regiment was under fire almost daily until June 25, 1864, when
hell's ---------- 49 87 23 159 Pocotaligo, S. C.             Oct. 22, 1862.             47th Pennsylvania Brannan's ---------- 18 94 -- 112 76th Pennsylvania Brannan's ---------- 12 66 1 79 Labadiesville, La.             Oct. 27, 1862.             8th New Hampshire Weitzel's ---------- 12 35 1 48 Prairie Grove, Ark.             Dec. 7, 1862.             20th Wisconsin Herron's ---------- 50 154 13 217 19th Iowa Herron's ---------- 45 145 3 193 26th Indiana Huston's ---------- 25 175 1 201 10th Kansas Blunt's ---------- 6 63 -- 69 Hartsville, Tenn.             Dec. 7, 1862.             104th Illinois ---------- ---------- 25 131 568 724 Fredericksburg, Va. Most of the missing in this battle were killed or wounded.             Dec. 13, 1862.             7th New York Hancock's Second 26 184 33 243 142d Pennsylvania Meade's First 16 182 45 243 16th Maine Of the total, 7