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The Daily Dispatch: May 28, 1864., [Electronic resource], The Lexington Cadets — Presentation of a flag. (search)
no resemblance to those to which they were originally devoted. No man is so famous for this manner of using the Old Testament as Beecher. The whole energies of his mind are devoted to the inculcation of blood and slaughter, and as his doctrine cannot be found in the New Testament, he rejects that portion of the Sacred Writings, virtually, if not directly. By his mode of dealing with the Scripture, it may be made to justify any crime whatever. Knowing the habit of this man, the London Index proposes to him to preach a sermon from the following text: "I will say to the North give up, and to the South, give not back." (Isaiah, chapter XIIII., verse 6th.) We hope he may be induced to try his hand at it. We should like to see what he would make of it. He cannot object that it has been separated from its context, for he himself habitually separates his text from the context. Let him, then, accept the offer, and preach a sermon, after his own fashion, upon this text. Were the words
A Scarcity cotton Threatened. Mr. McHenry, author of the "Cotton Trade," is stated by the London Index to have written a letter to the Standard, in which he says that the total stock of cotton in Europe and the Federal States on 1st January, 1864, amounted to but 2,000,000 of bales, of 400 pounds weight each. Of this stock the Federal States possess 400,000 bales, leaving but 1,600,000 for Europe.--Of these 2,000,000 bales, six-sevenths are of a quality so inferior as to be useless for all kinds of manufactures, unless with the admixture of a large proportion of the better sorts, which it is impossible to obtain.--Such is the supply. As to the demand, it is sufficient to observe that in 1860 the manufacturers on both sides of the Atlantic apparently used up 6,000,000 --really but 4,500,000--that is, only the latter quantity was taken by people using and wearing cotton goods, Supposing the wants of the world to be what they were four years ago, and deducting 300,000 bales that