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The Daily Dispatch: January 11, 1861., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
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and served as Secretary of War under President Pierce, and is not second to Gen. Scott in military science or courage. A telegraph Suppressed. The telegraph agent in this city received yesterday a message from his colleague at Mobile informing him that the citizens of that place had taken possession of the telegraph there, and had stopped a dispatch in cipher from the Navy Department to the commandant of the navy-yard at Pensacola, and would not permit it to be forwarded.-- Washington Nat. Int. Public Meetings in Virginia. A meeting was held in Gloucester county, Va., last week, at which resolutions were adopted requesting the County Court to levy a tax for the arming of a sufficient military body in that county. In Shenandoah county, Va., on the 3d inst., a meeting passed resolutions, among which were the following: That if the Legislature of Virginia think it advisable to appoint delegates to the contemplated Baltimore Convention, they are hereby reque