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he Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific, was theirs; England was to be deprived of the Canadas, and American emissaries were already there laying plans for any expected or presupposed uprising of the people. England, of course, could do nothing in the matter. It was known that she was much averse to any American quarrel — in fact, feared it: and should she dare to lift a hand in defence of her possessions, a fortnight would be all-sufficient to clean out the whole British empire, east and west. Ireland was to be made a republic, with Thomas Francis Meagher as president. England was also to be revolutionized, and Brown, Williams, or Jones, placed in the presidential chair. France was next on the list; Louis Napoleon was to be deposed, and the country partitioned. If Ledru Rollin or Louis Blanc were unwilling to take charge of affairs, the empire should be offered as a gift to their particular friend, the Emperor of Russia, as a token of commiseration for the injustice done him by the We
Old Stonewall, after riding along the river-bank, returned to Bolivar Heights, the observed of all observers. He was dressed in the coarsest kind of homespun, seedy and dirty at that; wore an old hat which any Northern beggar would consider an insult to have offered him; and in his general appearance was in no respect to be distinguished from the mongrel bare-footed crew who followed his fortunes. I had heard much of the decayed appearance of the rebel soldiers, but such a looking crowd! Ireland in her worst straits could present no parallel; and yet they glory in their shame! The enemy were busy in packing knapsacks and haversacks; regiments marching by with arms, returned in a few moments without them; wagons of every description, cannon of every calibre, officers of every grade, and troops from every State, were passing and repassing towards our headquarters, and within a few hours all had filed past on parole. Then, many of our troops began to move up the Potomac towards Wil
Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 5: secession. (search)
e the rabble of Imperial Rome, the colluvies gentium. The miseries and vices of their early homes had alike taught them to mistake license for liberty, and they were incapable of comprehending, much more of loving, the enlightened structure of English or Virginian freedom. The first step in their vast designs was to overwhelm the Conservative States of the South. This done, they boasted that they would proceed, first, to engross the whole of the American continent, and then to emancipate Ireland, to turn Great Britain into a democracy, to enthrone Red Republicanism in France, and to give the crowns of Germany to the Pantheistic humanitarians of that race, who deify self as the supreme end, and selfish desire, as the authoritative expression of the Divine Will. This, in truth, was the monster whose terrific pathway among the nations, the Confederate States undertook to obstruct, in behalf not only of their own children, but of all the children of men. To fight this battle, elev
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, XL. July, 1864 (search)
Clear and cool; subsequently cloudy. The Washington Chronicle of the 12th, received yesterday, indicates that Washington or Baltimore, or both, were in danger of falling into our possession. Lieut.-Col. G. W. Lay said, this morning, in my office, that Grant would not leave — that he held a most important positionthat he would not fail in his campaign; that our operations beyond the Potomac were not of sufficient magnitude to produce important results; and, finally, that Germany and Ireland would replenish the armies of the United States, while our last reserves were now in the field. The colonel had come into my office more than a month ago and said Grant had outgeneraled Pemberton, and would capture Vicksburg. I reminded him of this to-day, and asked his opinion on the present aspect of affairs. He has been recently on Gen. Beauregard's staff, and is irritated at the supposed hard treatment which that general receives from the President. He is a little bitter against the
extensively known, the thing, much to his regret, kept rising to the surface. During a visit which I made to the Eastern States in 1858, I was often asked for an account of the so-called duel; so often, in fact, that on my return home I told Mr. Lincoln of it. If all the good things I have ever done, he said regretfully, are remembered as long and well as my scrape with Shields, it is plain I shall not soon be forgotten. James Shields, a gallant, hot-headed bachelor from Tyrone county, Ireland, and a man of inordinate vanity, had been elected Auditor of State. Encouraged somewhat by the prominence the office gave him, he at once assumed a conspicuous position in the society of Springfield. He was extremely sensitive by nature, but exposed himself to merciless ridicule by attempting to establish his supremacy as a beau among the ladies. Blind to his own defects, and very pronounced in support of every act of the Democratic party, he made himself the target for all the bitterne
that you see me now, Mrs.--. My mother had not written before, because she hated to distress me, but she wrote to beg that I would come home; my father's health was failing, and he wanted me, his first-born, to come and take the homestead. But Ireland and home were nothing to me now. I wrote to her that my next brother must take the homestead, and take care of my father and her, God bless her! I should never see Ireland again, but I loved her and my sisters all the same. The next letter wasIreland again, but I loved her and my sisters all the same. The next letter was long after that. My mother wrote, Your father is dead; come back, Johnny, and take your own home. I could not go ; and then I went to Georgia, and never heard from home again. I tried to fight for the South, because the Southern people were good to me, and I thought if I got killed there was nobody to care for me. His story was done. He looked at me, and said, You have all been so good to me, particularly Miss T. God bless you all for it I am now almost at my journey's end. When I lo
The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley), chapter 149 (search)
endable coolness, gallantry, and bravery: At Kenesaw Mountain, June 27, Capt. W. Powers, Adjutant Adams, First Lieutenants Roberts, Marshall, Graves, Gooding, and Ireland; Second Lieutenants Mayfield, Riggs, Lindson, and Moser. In front of Atlanta, August 7, First Lieutenants Geooding, Graves, and Ireland; Second Lieutenants RiggsIreland; Second Lieutenants Riggs, Lindson, Runyan, and Moser. At Jonesborough, September 1, Captain Powers, First Lieutenants Gooding, Ireland; Second Lieutenants Riggs, Moser, Lindson, and Runyan, the latter two of whom were killed while bravely leading their men on to victory. The following enlisted men, for their bravery and heroic conduct, deserve commenIreland; Second Lieutenants Riggs, Moser, Lindson, and Runyan, the latter two of whom were killed while bravely leading their men on to victory. The following enlisted men, for their bravery and heroic conduct, deserve commendation and are recommended for promotion: Sergt. Maj. Elias Downing, Sergts. John Caton, McCune, and Rial, Company F; William H. Golden, B; Sergts. Thomas Jones, H; Tolbert and Corporal Jordan, E. List of casualties: Commissioned officers-killed, 3; wounded, 14; total, 17. Enlisted men-killed, 40; wounded, 132; missing, 42;
eff in his extreme sea-sickness, gave him some ginger-beer, from which the child soon felt better. When we had all recovered somewhat and were on deck, the nine-year old boy walked up to Mr. Rawson, and taking off his little cap, said, with a courteous bow, I have to thank you, sir, for saving my life by gingerbeer. The laughter this acknowledgment provoked served not at all to discourage the boy, his sense of obligation oppressed him until he had offered thanks to his preserver. When Ireland and the ivy-covered ruin of Lord Lovell's castle met our eyes, we seemed to have received a greeting from the peaceful past and a welcome for the future. On our arrival at Liverpool, the foreign land did not look at all strange to us; perhaps the atavism of memories was unconsciously felt, and the welcoming cheers of the people on the docks gave Mr. Davis a comfortable sense of Anglo-Saxon sympathy: Much hospitality was tendered us by our own dear people there, and by the English resid
s than cotton, and thus Custom-house receipts were also enlarged. Thus, notwithstanding the shutting up of the Mississippi, which the North-western farmer did not use for sending his grain to sea, your short crops opened a market for him in which he did get something for his grain, and by reason of which the North had wherewithal to pay for importations. Hence the Yankees, profiting by scarcity here, have not felt the war as grievously as they are about to do. The full harvest here, in Ireland, and in France, and the like of which has not been known for many years, will mightily reduce this corn trade of the North. It is already a losing business, and the grain which is to come will be in the category of coals to Newcastle. Hence I infer that, notwithstanding the opening of the Mississippi, the North-western people will find a poorer market than ever for their corn. With the falling off of this trade, the New-York merchants will be no longer able to pay off their British cre
st and must prevail O'er every foe? Fail! with millions spent, with thousands slain, With all our tears, with all our pains, With all we've lost, with all we've won? By Fredericksburgh! by Donelson! By heaven, no! Fail! never while a Bunker Hill, Or Cowpens field is whispering still, Or Saratoga's frowning peak, Or Brandywine's red flowing creek, With Yorktown battlements still speak Of glorious deeds. We cannot drop a single star, While Italy looks to us afar, While Poland lives, while Ireland hopes, While Afric's son in slavery gropes, And silent pleads. Fail! never breathe such burning shame, Sell not your birthright or your name, He's sure a coward or a knave Who'd heap dishonor on the grave Of all the host of martyred brave, For liberty. What! twenty millions freemen fail, Whose strength is borne on every gale, Whose power is of such vast extent, That it grasps in half the continent, From sea to sea. With plains so rich, the race can feed Or starve their enemies if need;