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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1: prelminary narrative 44 0 Browse Search
Eliza Frances Andrews, The war-time journal of a Georgia girl, 1864-1865 13 13 Browse Search
Caroline E. Whitcomb, History of the Second Massachusetts Battery of Light Artillery (Nims' Battery): 1861-1865, compiled from records of the Rebellion, official reports, diaries and rosters 8 0 Browse Search
Oliver Otis Howard, Autobiography of Oliver Otis Howard, major general , United States army : volume 1 6 0 Browse Search
William Swinton, Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac 5 1 Browse Search
Daniel Ammen, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 7.2, The Atlantic Coast (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 4 2 Browse Search
The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 3: The Decisive Battles. (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller) 4 0 Browse Search
Knight's Mechanical Encyclopedia (ed. Knight) 4 0 Browse Search
Benjamin Cutter, William R. Cutter, History of the town of Arlington, Massachusetts, ormerly the second precinct in Cambridge, or District of Menotomy, afterward the town of West Cambridge. 1635-1879 with a genealogical register of the inhabitants of the precinct. 4 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 5. (ed. Frank Moore) 3 3 Browse Search
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Eliza Frances Andrews, The war-time journal of a Georgia girl, 1864-1865, chapter 5 (search)
rutes like Butler and Sherman and their murderous clan. Capt. Irwin, Mrs. Elzey's brother, is going to stay at our house, anraise chickens and peddle them in a cart drawn by Dixie; Capt. Irwin is to join the minstrels, and Capt. Palfrey to be a danc29, Saturday Visitors all day, in shoals and swarms. Capt. Irwin brought Judge Crump of Richmond, to stay at our house. ation, and father says he wishes he would stay a month. Capt. Irwin seems very fond of him, and says there is no man in Virgcimated in the great battles. We had a good laugh on Capt. Irwin this morning. He is counting on the sale of his horse flf-starved, having tasted nothing for twenty-four hours. Capt. Irwin came running home in great haste to ask mother to send tthat we wouldn't know it if a battle were being fought. Capt. Irwin came near being killed this afternoon by a stray minie boks wretched, and we all feel miserable enough. When Capt. Irwin came home to supper, he told me that he had been trying
Eliza Frances Andrews, The war-time journal of a Georgia girl, 1864-1865, V. In the dust and ashes of defeat (may 6-June 1, 1865). (search)
t-lived; we spent a miserable evening in the beautiful moonlight that we knew was shining on the ruin of our country. Capt. Irwin made heroic efforts to keep up his spirits and cheer the rest of us, but even he failed. Gen. Yorke, too, did his besusin Liza gave him letters to some friends of hers that live along his route, requesting them to entertain him. He and Capt. Irwin have traced out a relationship, both being lineal descendants of the famous old Lord Protector. How it would make the She pitches into the Yankees with such vigor, and says such funny things about them, that even father has to laugh. Capt. Irwin is a whole day of sunshine himself, but even his happy temper is so dimmed by sadness that his best jokes fall flat fo me that he would think of me at least as long as they lasted. May 8, Monday We had a sad leave-taking at noon. Capt. Irwin, finding it impossible to get transportation to Norfolk by way of Savannah, decided last night that he would start for
Eliza Frances Andrews, The war-time journal of a Georgia girl, 1864-1865, chapter 7 (search)
shioned quadrilles for the benefit of those who did not dance the round dances, but the square dances seem very tame to me, in comparison with a good waltz or a galop. Capt. Semmes is delightful to dance with. He supports his partner so well, with barely the palm of his hand touching the bottom of your waist. Metta and I are both charmed with him. Instead of the quiet, reserved sort of person he seemed when I first met him at the time of his marriage, he is as jolly and full of fun as Capt. Irwin himself. When I spoke to him about it, he laughed and said: How could you expect a man to be anything but solemn at his own wedding? I turned the tables by saying it was the woman's time to look solemn afterwards. We kept up a sort of mock warfare the whole evening, and I don't know when I have ever laughed more. You can be so free and easy with a married man and let him say things you wouldn't take from a single one. He and Cousin Bolling nicknamed me Zephyr because they said my hai
ay's march nearer to the conjunction with General Grant, to prevent which was the object of his advance. Usually, the indications of approaching battle are so palpable that the men in the ranks, as well as the officers of all grades, foresee the deadly struggle, and nerve themselves to meet it. But in this case the nearness of the enemy in force was not known in the national army, and there was no special preparation for the conflict. In Sherman and his campaigns, by Colonels Bowman and Irwin, it is stated (page 50), There was nothing to indicate a general attack until seven o'clock on Sunday morning, when the advance-guard of Sherman's front was forced in on his main line. Grant and his campaigns, a book compiled by Prof. Coppee, avowedly from Grant's Reports, and very prejudiced in its conclusions in favor of that general, says, At the outset our troops were shamefully surprised and easily overpowered. It is but a poor compliment to the generalship of either Grant or She
Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 1, Chapter 22: the secret service fund--charges against Webster, 1845-46. (search)
the Coast Survey, in his day one of the greatest savans the country had produced; George Bache, a brilliant naval officer, who gallantly gave up his life to save the passengers on his sinking ship, and with a sad smile took off his cap and bowed to them as his ship went down before the overladen boats; Richard Bache, also an officer of the Navy, drowned while making a survey of the coast; Mrs. Robert J. Walker, the wife of the Secretary of the Treasury and whilom Senator from Mississippi; Mrs. Irwin, wife of the former Minister to Sweden; Mrs. William H. Emory, whose husband was afterward a General in the United States Army, and who was herself a well-known wit; Mrs. Charles Abert; Mrs. Richard Wainright of the Navy, and Mrs. Allen McLane, a woman of marvellous wit, and strong, bright understanding. They were all, in their different manner, belles esprits, and their children, many of them, are inheritors of much of the family talent-Mrs. Walker's beautiful daughter, Mary, afterward
two companies of Gordon's Second Massachusetts Regiment fired and the rebels retreated. It is known that two were killed and five wounded. The Confederates are still hovering on the outskirts of Harper's Ferry, watching the movements of the Federal troops.--National Intelligencer, August 21. The First Wisconsin Regiment returned to Milwaukee, from the seat of war, and was welcomed with the greatest enthusiasm. A collation was served and patriotic speeches were made by M. H. Carpenter, and Judge A. D. Smith.--Daily Wisconsin, August 19. A scouting party, composed of the Lincoln Cavalry, under Lieut. Gibson, while to-day in the neighborhood of Pohick Church, some twelve miles from Alexandria, Va., encountered a company of session cavalry. A slight skirmish ensued, during which private Irwin, belonging to Philadelphia, was killed. One of the Confederates was seen to fall from his horse, but his friends succeeded in carrying off his body.--National Intelligencer, August 19.
e 26th of May, intelligence was received at Camp Dennison that the enemy were advancing from Grafton upon Wheeling and Parkersburg, for the purpose of destroying the railroad. General McClellan at once telegraphed to Colonel Kelley to move his regiment (since known as the First Virginia) early the next day along the line of railroad towards Fairmount, in order to prevent any further destruction of the bridges and to protect the repair of those already injured. Two Ohio regiments, under Colonels Irwin and Stedman, were also directed to cross over into Virginia, one to cooperate with Colonel Kelley and the other to occupy Parkersburg. On the same day, General McClellan issued the following proclamation and address:-- Headquarters Department of the Ohio, May 26, 1861. To the Union Men of Western Virginia. Virginians:--The General Government has long enough endured the machinations of a few factious rebels in your midst. Armed traitors have in vain endeavored to deter you from
ain, Nelson B. Bartram; First Lieutenant, John Tickers; Ensign, Charles Hilbert. Co. C--Captain, John W. Lyon; First Lieutenant, Micah P. Kelly; Ensign, Charles Everdell. Co. D--Captain, William C. Grower; First Lieutenant, Benjamin Seaward; Ensign, John Burleigh. Co. E--Captain, Charles G. Stone; First Lieutenant, George C. Soren; Ensign, John F. McCann. Co. F--Captain, Franklin J. Davis; Ensign, William Mattocks. Co. G--Captain, James H. Demarest; First Lieutenant, Luther Caldwell; Ensign, L. C. Mabey. Co. H--Captain, James Tyrrell; First Lieutenant, Joel C. Martin; Ensign, Elias P. Pellet. Co. I--Captain, Andrew Wilson; First Lieutenant, Isaac M. Lusk; Ensign, Augustus M. Proteus. Co. K--Captain, Gideon K. Jenkins; First Lieutenant, Howard H. Dudley; Ensign, Alvin M. Whaley. Non-Commissioned Staff.--Sergeant-Major, Herbert H. Hall; Quartermaster-Sergeant, Joseph Foley; Drum-Major,----Leboeuf; Fife-Major,----Irwin; Hospital Steward, Harvey W. Benson.--New York Herald, June 22.
as very heavy, ours believed to be not less than one thousand up to twelve o'clock. The enemy had up to that hour been driven back three times to within range of their gunboats. Later At a late hour last night we learned some further particulars of the fight on Monday. Gen. Early is mortally wounded. Gen. Anderson, of North-Carolina, we believe, killed. Col. Mott, of Mississippi, killed. Gen. Raines, slightly wounded. Capt. Echols, of Lynchburgh, slightly wounded. Capt. Irwin, of Scales's North-Carolina regiment, wounded. The First Virginia regiment was badly cut up. Out of two hundred men in the fight, some eighty or ninety are reported killed or wounded. Colonel Kemper's regiment suffered terribly, though we have no account of the extent of the casualties. We learn that Gen. Magruder has been for several days quite sick at Westover, on James River. The enemy had not occupied Jamestown at six o'clock on Tuesday evening, but were in large force at
and one or two other citizens, whose names I do not remember, who composed my staff on the day of the battles, who are entitled to great credit for the services which they rendered me, and for the prompt manner in which they discharged their duty, regardless of personal danger. I am particularly under obligations to Captain Biddle for valuable suggestions in relation to the posting and arranging of the artillery. I am under great obligations to the gallant Lieutenant Wickliffe Cooper, Dr. Irwin, Captains Baldwin, Stacy and Kendrick, of your staff, some of whom had travelled twenty-five miles after hearing the cannonading of the morning, for valuable aid given me during the second and third engagements. Colonels Lucas, Link, Mahan, Korff, Landrum, Oden, Munday, McMillan, Majors Kempton, Orr, Morrison, Captain Baird, Lieut. Lamphere, and Sergeant Brown, of the battery, greatly distinguished themselves during the action, together with other officers whose names I have not got. T