Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: March 15, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Charles Isaacs or search for Charles Isaacs in all documents.

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fine of $20 and security for good behavior was required of Patrick Lee, charged with being drunk and assaulting and beating Henry, slave of Frank Riley. Charles Isaacs and Richard Barry, arrested some time since on the charge of garroting and robbing P. A. Haxall, the examination of whom has been postponed several times on account of the absence of witnesses, were yesterday called up before His Honor. It being proven that another party was with Isaacs (who is a mere boy,) at the time he sold the hide to Gimmi, the tanner. Isaacs was closely questioned in order to show that Barry was that second person; but all efforts to make the boy testify to thaIsaacs was closely questioned in order to show that Barry was that second person; but all efforts to make the boy testify to that effect were unavailing, whereupon the parties were again remanded till further evidence can be looked up. Miles R. Bohannon, charged with forging two checks upon the Farmers' Bank at Lynchburg, for $500 each, purporting to be signed by "B. Akins & Son," was, after an examination of witnesses, sent on for indictment by the G