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The Daily Dispatch: February 14, 1862., [Electronic resource] 10 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: February 15, 1862., [Electronic resource] 4 0 Browse Search
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rginia militia at Leesburg and came up to visit an uncle Col. Geary, believing him to be a spy, thought he had better be turned over to Uncle Sam. He gave his name as Henry Demory. A deserter from Leesburg, named Samuel Cain, previously found his way to the river, opposite Sandy Hook, and was ferried over. Yesterday morning a considerable body of foot and mounted men were discovered on the road at the east side of Londoun Heights, but they retreated without coming within range. Jackson is reliably reported to be still at Winchester. On returning there from his late tour, he denounced his officers as a set of "damned cowards," his men as half traitors, and sent his resignation to Richmond. The authorities there requested him to withdraw it, and he will probably do so, under a promise of a higher position. Brig. Gen. Lander, at last accounts received here, was at Romney with five thousand men. The Alexandria slave pen — the difference between rebel prisoners and
S. District Court. --The following presentments have been made by the Grand Jury sworn in Judge Halyburton's Court since our last report, viz: One against Abner Jackson, late of Campbell county, Va., mail carrier, for purloining a letter addressed by John Dooley, of Richmond, to J. H. Sweeney, of Campbell; one against Abner JaAbner Jackson, for stealing money out of a letter in his care and custody, as mail carrier; one against E. F. Husted, for trying to bribe the Commissioner of Patents; one against John Henson, for abetting Husted in the performance of the unlawful act; one against Charles Petz, for stealing Confederate Treasury notes. A venire facias was issued yesterday to try Abner-Jackson to-day. Roger Gregory, Esq., qualified to practice law at the bar of the Court, by taking the several oaths required by law. In the case against Allen P. Lee, to sequestrate the property of William and Joel Osborn, of New Jersey, as alien enemies, the Court directed an order of sale to
Petty cases. --The following small cases were disposed of by the Mayor yesterday.-- Wm. Johnson, alias, John Hammond, featured for a riotous demonstration at the Varieties and let off; William, slave of Mary Lipscomb, ordered 15 lashes for having a lot of brandy and sugar supposed to have been stolen; Tim McMahon, drunk and disorderly at the Monument Hotel and drawing a pistol on the clerk, admonished and discharged; Jackson, slave of P. Willhorse, ordered 25 lashes for having in his possession a lot of coffee and cotton cloth supposed to be stolen; Oliver Jones, alleged in be one of the parties who robbed Francis
C. S. District Court. --Abner Jackson, a former mail carrier in Campbell county, Va., was tried by a jury in Judge Halyburton's Court, yesterday, for misdemeanor in purloining money from a letter entrusted to his care, and was found guilty. No sentence was passed. The Court, after transacting the above business, adjourned.
at of Hardy county. About twenty-five hundred of them (a part of Gen. Lander's force) marching from Romney, entered its town perhaps Monday or Tuesday.--There was some slight resistance by a small force of 700 men, under Cols. Monroe and Harness, but they soon retired and the enemy took possession. The changes in the occupation of that part of Virginia have been very sudden within a few weeks, and with no loss of consequence to the enemy. He withdraw from Romney upon the approach of Jackson; but as soon as the force under Gen. Loring was ordered away, he returned and mended his hold by extending his line of occupation to Moorfields Hardy county is one of the richest in the Northern portion of the State. The corn crop of that county is immense. Thousands of cattle are in winter driven there to be fattened for market. The enemy gets all its large supplies, while in Hampshire, the ading county, also very fertile, and where of march is traced by the ruins of burned houses and