Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 20, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Alexander Jackson or search for Alexander Jackson in all documents.

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n Priddy, committed a few days ago on the charge of going at large, was ordered by the Mayor to be discharged from jail. Thomas McBride, arrested for drunkenness and disorderly conduct on Main street, was admonished and discharged Alexander Jackson, a free negro, who used to frequent in the neighborhood of the Second Market, and be a standing reliance for the police whenever business was dull, was brought up for disguising himself with liquor, Tuesday, and acting disorderly on Broad street. Several years since it was computed by the police that Jackson had received over 900 lashes, through their agency, for various petty offences. To-day he was only put in jail for want of security for his good behavior, and enrolled as a member of the chain-gang. John McMahon was committed for examination on the 20th on the charge of making a violent physical demonstration against Bridget McMahon, his wife John H. Houke gave bail for the appearance of his slave. Rosetta Carter,