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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 593 9 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume I. 106 0 Browse Search
Hon. J. L. M. Curry , LL.D., William Robertson Garrett , A. M. , Ph.D., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 1.1, Legal Justification of the South in secession, The South as a factor in the territorial expansion of the United States (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 90 4 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 16. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 46 0 Browse Search
Benjamnin F. Butler, Butler's Book: Autobiography and Personal Reminiscences of Major-General Benjamin Butler 35 1 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Poetry and Incidents., Volume 2. (ed. Frank Moore) 32 0 Browse Search
C. Edwards Lester, Life and public services of Charles Sumner: Born Jan. 6, 1811. Died March 11, 1874. 32 2 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 25. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 31 1 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Poetry and Incidents., Volume 1. (ed. Frank Moore) 29 1 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: June 11, 1862., [Electronic resource] 28 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Poetry and Incidents., Volume 1. (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Andrew Jackson or search for Andrew Jackson in all documents.

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he other Abou-Ben-Adhem. --The following ingenious and witty parody of a poem universally known, is from a feminine pen. The tart and somewhat malicious allusions to Rye refer, we suppose, to President Buchanan's letter to some Western friends, acknowledging, with thanks, the receipt of some excellent rye whiskey: James B-Uchanan, may his tribe decrease, Awoke one night from a strange dream of peace, And saw, within the curtains of his bed, Making his t'other eye to squint with dread-- Old Jackson, writing in a book of gold. Exceeding Rye had made Buchanan bold, And to the stern Ex-President he said: “Wha — what writ'st thou?” The spirit shook his head, The while he answered, with the voice of old: “The names of those who ne'er their country sold!” And is mine one? asked J. B. “Vary!” cried The General, with a frown. Buchanan sighed, And groaned, and turned himself upon his bed, And took another “nip” of “rye,” then said: “Well, ere thou lay thy record on the sh
A gentleman from Washington reports that the following is the language of Mr. Lincoln to the Baltimore Committee:-- Gentlemen: You have come here to ask for peace on any terms. Such a desire, on such terms, is not like the course of Washington or Jackson. They — the rebels — attacked Fort Sumter, and you attack the troops sent to the Federal Government for the protection of the same, and for the defence of the lives and the property of the inhabitants of this city. My intention was never to attack Maryland, but to have those troops, as I said before, for the protection of Washington. Now, gentlemen, go home and tell your people, that if they will not attack us, we will not attack them; but if they do attack us, we will return it, and that severely. Those troops must come to Washington, and that through Maryland. They can neither go under it nor can they fly over it, and they shall come through it.--Philadelphia Press April 2
rt Pickens, then commanded by Lieutenant Slemmer. That officer returned them to the rebel troops, by whom they were given up to their owners, by whom they were mercilessly punished for the attempt to gain their liberty. At the time of their surrender, Fort Pickens was greatly in need of men to defend it, and down to this moment there has been no day when these negroes would not have been of great use in the various labors about the fort. Just such laborers have since been carried thither at a great expense to the Government. Their fidelity was guarantied by every circumstance, and was beyond question. When General Jackson defended New Orleans, he pressed every thing that had any fighting quality about it,--Barataria pirates, free negroes, whatever came to hand, into the service. One of the Secessionists is reported to have said, that if Lieutenant Slemmer had not returned these men, a nigger would not have been left in all that part of Florida. --N. Y. Evening Post, May 6.
Philadelphia, May 8.--A gentleman who has just made his escape from Memphis, Tenn., gives the following account of a solemn ceremony which took place in that city a day or two before he quitted it. He says that he was an eye-witness to the whole of the proceedings, and as he is a man of the greatest respectability, his statement may be relied on. In the one solitary square which Memphis possesses, stands a statue of Andrew Jackson. By the side of this statue a large pit was dug, and on the day in question our informant, who was standing near the place, saw a body of about five hundred men slowly approaching, headed by a band of music performing the Dead march. After the band came eight men bearing the dead body which was to be consigned to the pit; this corpse was no more nor less than a large standard of the Stars and Stripes, which was solemnly lowered into its final resting-place, the company assisting in respectful silence. The earth was then thrown upon it--ashes to ashes,
lorious Plymouth Rocks, Our reverence for a Higher Law, our godly pulpit rant, With all the talent which in Yankee land are now extant, A generalissimo, like me, would find it no great thing To gallop through the South, and whip the Chivalry, by Jing!” He said, the hero whose chief joy was hearing bullets whiz, And drew a red bandana forth, and wiped his warlike phiz; Around the room a stifled buzz of admiration went, When on his trembling knees arose the doughty President. “Now, by old Andrew Jackson's shade, and by the oaths he swore, And by his hickory stick, and by the thunder of his snore, And by the proud contempt he showed for Carolina gents, And English grammar,” quoth Old Abe, “them's jist my sentiments. Great Seward shall gull the Southrons, like a wily diplomat, With promises and flummery, with ‘tother, this and that; And I will launch a squadron forth, in secret, on the seas, And reinforce Fort Sumter with old horse, and bread and cheese. Poor Doubleday, that wretched m
The Montgomery (Ala.) Weekly Post contains the following:-- too good to be: lost.--A countryman was in the town of Lumpkin, Ga., last week, and some one asked him how he liked the war news. He replied, Very well. Are you to go? he was asked. Yes, he replied. Are you not afraid? No. If I should see a Yankee with his gun levelled and looking right at me, I would draw out my pocketbook, and ask him what he would take for his gun, and right there the fight would end. Yes, the Yankee would probably sell him his gun, if the Lumpkiner had enough money to buy it; but as the load would still belong to the Yankee, he would probably deliver that before he did the gun.--Jackson (Ia.) Star.
e; Shine in my face like a bright golden star, And muster the surge of the battle's tide. Mantle my heart with the garb of strength! Justice, and Honor, and Truth, awake! Nerve on to conquest, until at length The dawn of our noble peace shall break. Sons of the South! the grass is green, The shadows are full, and the shade is strong; The graves of our manly fathers are seen, And their courage and honor can fill our song. The dead of the South drops its tears on the grave Where Washington, Jackson, and Clay repose; As fresh as the dew-drop, the honest and brave Will carry their virtues, or scatter their foes; The land of their love — of our hearts — is our pride, And we will stand by it and cherish its sod, Though we pour to protect it our hearts' crimson tide, And dying, will beg its protection from God. Mantle my heart with thy stern garb, War! Thrill through my veins with thy clarion tone! Like a “pillar of cloud,” and a bright blazing star, Is the flag of our bold and our new na
A formidable for.--It will be seen by the interesting letter of our .Norfolk correspondent, that among the several thousand Confederate forces now at that point, is a body of three hundred Indians. These stalwart sons of the forest are from the county of Cherokee, N. C., and under the skilful training of Gen. Jackson, a distinguished member of the North Carolina Senate from Cherokee, are now ready for immediate action. A more formidable-looking body of men, we are informed by a gentleman who has seen them, never have been congregated on this continent. Not one of them is under six feet in height, and being built in proportion, they look more like modern Samsons than any thing else to which we can compare them. The rifle has been their constant companion almost from infancy, and they are confessedly the best marksmen the world has ever seen. They shoot running or standing with the same unerring certainty, and load and fire with a rapidity which is really surprising.--Petersburg
The three swords.--That indomitable patriot, President Jackson, had, in his day, to deal with secession. It was then called Nullification; but it was in its elea voice of indignant denunciation from the old hero's grave. By his will, Gen. Jackson bequeathed the first of these three swords to his nephew and adopted son, Andrew Jackson Donelson, the second to his grandson, Andrew Jackson, and the third to his grandnephew, Andrew Jackson Coffee. The clause relative to the first runs thuof the Constitution itself. Again:-- I bequeath to my beloved grandson, Andrew Jackson, son of Andrew Jackson, Jr., and Sarah, his wife, the sword presented to meAndrew Jackson, Jr., and Sarah, his wife, the sword presented to me by the citizens of Philadelphia, with this injunction, that he will always house it in defence of the Constitution and our glorious Union, and the perpetuation of our Republican system. And where is this Andrew Jackson, honored by his patriotic grandfather, and where the sword intrusted to his keeping? It is rusting in its s
nto the front rank of resistance, where they may now be found, as every camp will testify, and this day's vote will prove, as intrepid and as loyal friends of Southern independence as gallant South Carolina ever was in the hottest days of secession. We shall welcome with great pleasure the arrival in Richmond of that eminent body of statesmen and soldiers who compose the Montgomery Government. The President, Jefferson Davis, is a tower of strength in himself. He has the iron will of Andrew Jackson, all of Jackson's nerve, energy, and decision, and even more than his military knowledge and general education. Indeed, apart from his great qualities as a commander, he is a statesman in every way qualified to guide the helm of the ship of State in the wildest storm that ever swept the ocean. He has not only great foresight, judgment, and fertility of resources, but a wonderful composure of spirit, keeping self-poised and self-possessed in the most agitating moments; and there is abou