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One hundred dollars reward. --Ran away from my house on the 25th April, 1864, my negro woman Celia Jackson. She is forty-five or fifty years of age. She has been bring herself out in Rocketts as a washer-woman. I will pay the above reward if she be delivered to Grady's jail, corner Fifteenth and Cary street. F. W. Doggett. [se 23--1t*]
nce, as there was a rumor of some difficulty with the authorities. since our arrival the telegraph to the States had been monopolized by the American Consul, Judge Jackson, and it was understood that Lord Lyons had telegraphed a very emphatic order to "send that vessel to sea. " During the day, Judge Jackson had made a requisitioJudge Jackson had made a requisition upon the Government for the steamer, demanding, very modestly, the crew and officers be delivered up in chains. This demand was laughed at; but still affairs began to look serious. The "Tallahassee" was on the Dartmouth side of the river taking in coal from a brig, and nearly all her officers were on shore. Early in the evgh for the purpose. About nine o'clock the guards returned and reported twenty-seven men missing, evidently enticed a way from the ship by Yankee emissaries. Judge Jackson had a hand in it, and it was remarked that this is not the first time he has been guilty of such dirty work. We could wait no longer, and, after dropping the
for battle-fields between him and Staunton, and many more between Staunton and Lynchburg. He is now in a country which Jackson rendered immortal by the skill, rapidity and success of his movements; and he is not in a position so perilous as JacksoJackson was after the battle of Kernstown, and before the brilliant exploits which set him free from the enemies that surrounded him, and enabled him to throw his whole force upon the right wing of McClellan at Cold Harbor. He seems to have fought a battle as obstinate as that which Jackson fought at Kernstown, and to have stunned his enemy quite as much as Jackson did on that occasion. Should he even not be reinforced, as he will be no doubt, he yet has it in his power to prevent the enemy from pJackson did on that occasion. Should he even not be reinforced, as he will be no doubt, he yet has it in his power to prevent the enemy from perfecting his plan of seizing Lynchburg preparatory to isolating General Lee, and he will exert his utmost to do it. The enemy will raise a great cry of triumph over this victory. We should not be surprise hear that another day of thanksgivin
One hundred dollars reward. --Ran away from my house on the 25th April, 1864, my negro woman Celia Jackson. She is forty-five or fifty years of age. She has been hiring herself out in Rocketts as a washer- woman. I will pay the above reward if she be delivered to Grady's jail, corner Fifteenth and Cary streets. F. W. Doggett. [se 24--3t*]
One hundred dollars reward. --Ran away from my house on the 25th April, 1864, my negro woman Celia Jackson. She is forty-five or fifty years of age. She has been hiring herself out in Rocketts as a washerwoman. I will pay the above reward if she be delivered to Grady's jail, corner Fifteenth and Cary streets. F. W. Doggett. [se 24--3t*]