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rned against such deceptions, and everybody should derive prudence from such warning. We certainly should endeavor to avoid anything like emulating the lying men of the North, whose stories about their encounters with the rebels exceed any ever heard of for extravagance and falsehood. The rumors to which the papers gave currency on Saturday morning are easily explained upon reference to our accounts of the real character of what transpired about Martinsburg. Our advanced force, under Jackson, repulsed Patterson's vanguard three times before it was itself compelled to retreat by overwhelming numbers, which it did in good order. This was the foundation for the rumor that there had been three attacks by Patterson on our main army and three repulses by Johnston. The outflanking and the having the enemy cut off in Martinsburg were of course out of the whole cloth; but added unity and completeness to the rumor. We gave these reports upon the authority from which we derived the
The war News. We publish this morning additional particulars of the engagement near Martinsburg, from sources which we deem perfectly reliable. Only two men were killed in Col. Jackson's column. The loss of the enemy in killed and wounded was doubtless much heavier, though the accounts which reach the public through the Northern press will not let the facts be known. Up to Friday morning there had been no full engagement between Johnston and Patterson; but it was stated in Winchester, just before the mail closed on that day, that two divisions of the Federal army in front of Martinsburg had a collision through mistake, in which a number were killed and wounded.--The telegraph reports a collision between parties of Federal pickets in that vicinity, resulting in the death of several. This may have been the foundation for the rumor in Winchester. We sincerely regret to hear that Capt. Richard Ashey, of the Black Horse Cavalry, who was badly wounded in a skirmish on the
The Daily Dispatch: July 8, 1861., [Electronic resource], Bayonet on the double barrel shot gun. (search)
gement near Martinsburg!additional particulars!Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch. Buckler's Town, Berkeley Co., Va., July 3d, 1861. On yesterday, Col. Jackson's Brigade of Virginia forces were advanced in the direction of Falling Waters, to meet the enemy, who were reported to be advancing from Williamsport, on the Vout a mile, we halted, and the Augusta Regiment, under Col. Harper, accompanied by one six-pounder of the Rockbridge Artillery, proceeded, under the command of Col. Jackson in person, to meet the enemy and try their strength. They had proceeded a mile and a half when the enemy appeared, drawn up in front of a large tract of woodsis supposed to have done good execution. The enemy was found to be far too numerous for our forces, and were fast endeavoring to outflank and surround us; but Col. Jackson was not to be so outdone, and after doing the Yankees as much damage as was possible, drew off the troops engaged in good order. The fortunate gunners who wer
allader, numbering 15,000, crossed the Potomac river at Williamsport ford, and advanced in the direction of Martinsburg. On Tuesday morning, about 10 o'clock, the 5th Virginia Regiment, under command of Col. Harper, which had been sent out by Col. Jackson as a scouting party, suddenly and unexpectedly came into collision with a large force of the enemy, estimated to be at least 5,000 strong. A sharp conflict at once ensued. Our forces had but one piece of artillery, which became useless afteron the 6th instant, and that they were forced to cross into Virginia. They speak in grateful terms of their treatment since their capture. The officers of this company have not yet arrived, but are hourly expected. After the engagement, Col. Jackson, with his brigade, retired two miles south of Martinsburg. Tuesday evening Gen. Johnston, with all the forces stationed in and around Winchester, marched to his aid, and we may expect to hear of a battle at any hour. Too much praise can
Military matters. --Capt. John Weems, of the Letcher Guards, from Augusta, Georgia, has been promoted to the position of Major in the regiment to which his company is attached. All the field officers of the Tenth (Ga.) Regiment are either natives or residents of Augusta. Dr. M. E. Swinney, a member of the Letcher Guards, has been appointed assistant surgeon of the above regiment. Col. F. S. Bloom, of Macon, Georgia, has been appointed to a position on Gen. H. R. Jackson's staff.
Ranaway --On the 4th of July, a negro boy named Jackson, about 30 years old, his front teeth above are out, quick spoken, spare built; of jet black complexion, weighs about 130 pounds. He can read and write very well. He wore off a checked flannel shirt and black hat; had two watches in his pocket. There is no doubt he will try to change his name, as he left his master in Georgia and was gone three years, and passed as a free boy.--A liberal reward will be paid for his apprehension and delivery at this office. W. J. McNAIR. jy 8--2t* J. F. McNAIR.