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Maj. Jed. Hotchkiss, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 3, Virginia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 1,296 0 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2. 888 4 Browse Search
Edward Porter Alexander, Military memoirs of a Confederate: a critical narrative 676 0 Browse Search
George H. Gordon, From Brook Farm to Cedar Mountain 642 2 Browse Search
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.) 470 0 Browse Search
An English Combatant, Lieutenant of Artillery of the Field Staff., Battlefields of the South from Bull Run to Fredericksburgh; with sketches of Confederate commanders, and gossip of the camps. 418 0 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II. 404 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 11. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 359 1 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 34. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 356 2 Browse Search
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2. 350 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in John Esten Cooke, Wearing of the Gray: Being Personal Portraits, Scenes, and Adventures of War.. You can also browse the collection for Stonewall Jackson or search for Stonewall Jackson in all documents.

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present the likeness of the actor in the drama, his character and endowments; and to know what great men are, is better than to know what they perform. What Lee, Jackson, Johnston, Stuart, and their associates accomplished, history will record; how they looked, and moved, and spoke, will attract much less attention from the histor read the most eloquent sentences which the imagination could invent for him. And in regard to others, the truth would possess an equal superiority over fiction. Jackson was a noble human soul; pure, generous, fearless, of imperial genius for making war; but why claim for him personal graces, and the charm of social humour? Stuarand the purest traits of the gentleman and Christian; but why draw the gallant cavalier as utterly faultless, never moved by anger, ever serious and devout as was Jackson? By such a process the actual characters disappear; the real men, with faults and virtues, grand traits and foibles, become mere lay-figures to hang uniforms upo
ut the man was youthful, picturesque, and brilliant. Lee, Jackson, and other eminent soldiers of the South, seemed desirous nd ear of their armies. These men were Lee, Johnston, and Jackson. Ii. Stuart's great career can be alluded to but bri chose to amuse himself in his own way. Lee, Johnston, and Jackson, had listened to that banjo without regarding it as frivolh about the serious family class. He had on his side Lee, Jackson, and the young ladies who danced away gaily to Sweeny's mu be many opinions. At Chancellorsville, when he succeeded Jackson, the troops, although quite enthusiastic about him, complaheir chosen leader; but, better still, the eyes of Lee and Jackson were fixed on him with fullest confidence. Jackson said, Jackson said, when his wound disabled him at Chancellorsville, and Stuart succeeded him: Go back to General Stuart and tell him to act upon think of him without weeping. The implicit confidence of Jackson, and the tears of Lee, are enough to fill the measure of o
evening, on the 27th of June, 1862, General Stonewall Jackson made his appearance on the field of . At that time many persons asked, Who is Jackson? All we then knew of the famous leader was t the brief, curtest of the curt, was General Stonewall Jackson on the field of battle and at work. nius then becomes enthusiasm for his person. Jackson had aroused this enthusiasm in his men-and itrned out to be inaccurate; but even in defeat Jackson there accomplished the very important object al in their views. Fate was a mere word with Jackson, with no meaning; his star was Providence. L the student-rigid, unquestioning obedience. Jackson set them the example. He was ordered to handny actual blot-he was so true and honest. Jackson has probably excited more admiration in Europly. The time will come when the campaigns of Jackson will become the study of military men in the her landmarks; the great proportions of Stonewall Jackson will sooner or later be delineated. [7 more...]
ed and driven back in utter defeat to the Henry-House hill; between the victorious enemy and Beauregard's unprotected flank were interposed only the six hundred men of the Legion already up, and the two thousand six hundred and eleven muskets of Jackson not yet in position. The Legion occupied the Warrenton road near the Stone House, where it met and sustained with stubborn front the torrent dashed against it. General Keyes, with his division, attacked the six hundred from the direction of Rehile, closed in on the left of the little band, enveloped their flank, and poured a destructive artillery fire along the line. To hold their ground further was impossible, and they slowly fell back; but those precious moments had been secured. Jackson was in position; the Legion retreated, and formed upon his right; the enemy's advance was checked; and when the Southern line advanced in its turn, with wild cheers, piercing the Federal centre, the South Carolinians fought shoulder to shoulder
, the other Ashby. The world knows all about Jackson, but has little knowledge of Ashby. I was retracted attention in the spring of 1862, when Jackson made his great campaign in the Valley, crushit shy demeanour, had become the right hand of Jackson, the terror of the enemy, and had fallen nearin his turn, and quickly sent intelligence to Jackson, which brought him back to Kernstown. The barces, and nearly getting in their rear. When Jackson was forced to retire, he again held the rear;enemy, eternally skirmishing with them, until Jackson again advanced to attack General Banks at Strieve, that while commanding the rear-guard of Jackson, he formed the design of flanking and attack be regarded as unreliable, take the words of Jackson. That cool, taciturn, and unexcitable soldieso unfailing that it drew forth the praise of Jackson, was as simple as a child, and never seemed tamid those glorious encounters of the days of Jackson, when from every hill-top he hurled defiance [7 more...]
against him, but he always retrieved the day by some surprising movement. In the very beginning of his career, at the first great battle of Manassas, when his left was about to be driven to hopeless rout, his good genius sent thither Evans and Jackson, those stubborn obstacles, and the battle which was nearly lost terminated in a victory. Of this famous soldier I propose to record some traits rather of a personal than a military character. As elsewhere in this series of sketches, the wrientreville, ordered hours before. The order miscarried, and the advance was not made; at near two o'clock the troops were still within the lines of Bull Run, and on the extreme left nothing but the two thousand six hundred and eleven muskets of Jackson, with a few companies of Bee, was interposed between the Southern troops and destruction. About thirty thousand men under General Hunter were advancing upon about three thousand-and to this critical point Beauregard now went at a swift gallop,
k in the afternoon of the 21St of July, 1861, at Manassas, the Federal forces had been driven by the resolute assault of Jackson and his great associates from the Henry-House hill; but a new and formidable line-ofbattle was formed on the high ground cut off from the main body; but the ground was obstinately held, and victory followed. Advancing northward thereafter, Jackson threw two brigades across at Warrenton Springs, under Early, and these resolutely held their ground in face of an overporom General Lee, and accomplish admirably the objects for which he had been sent to that region. He was placed there as Jackson had been in 1862, to divert a portion of the Federal forces from the great arena of combat in the lowland. By his movements before and after the battle of Kernstown, Jackson, with about four thousand men, kept about twenty-five thousand of the enemy in the Valley. By his movements preceding the battle of Opequon, Early, with eight or ten thousand men, kept between
l Stuart sent him from the Chickahominy to carry a confidential message to General Jackson, then in the Valley. He was resting at one of the wayside stations on the surprised and captured him-making prize also of a private note from Stuart to Jackson, and a copy of Napoleon's Maxims accompanying it. Mosby was carried to the Oldlegraphed it, doubtless, to General Lee, who telegraphed it, doubtless, to General Jackson at Gordonsville. It is probable that the battle of Cedar Run, where General Pope was defeated, was fought by Jackson in consequence of this information. My object, however, is not to write a biography of Colonel Mosby. It is fortunatColonel Mosby can afford to wait to have justice done him. He was respected by Jackson, Stuart, and Lee, and the world will not willingly believe him to have been a ere that the person who enjoyed the respect and confidence of Lee, Stuart, and Jackson, was worthy of it. Mosby was regarded by the people of Virginia in his true li
rts; and the young man became known as one of the most desperate fighters of the whole army. He was rightly regarded by Jackson and others as possessed of a very extraordinary genius for artillery; and when any movement of unusual importance was de, he engaged three heavy batteries, and fought them with a pertinacity and unfaltering nerve which made the calm face of Jackson glow; and the pressure of that heroic hand, warm and eloquent of unspoken admiration. Soon afterwards, at the White hou him up to that moment, rode away with the declaration that if Pelham was fool enough to stay there, he was not. But General Jackson thanked him, as he thanked him at Cold Harbour, when the brave young soldier came back covered with dust from fightihim. It was glorious, indeed, as General Lee declared, to see such heroism in the boyish artillerist; and well might General Jackson speak of him in terms of exaggerated compliment, and ask General Stuart if he had another Pelham, to give him to him
John Esten Cooke, Wearing of the Gray: Being Personal Portraits, Scenes, and Adventures of War., Stuart's ride around McClellan in June, 1862. (search)
ton, wounded in the fight of Seven pines. The moment was favourable for a heavy attack by Lee. Jackson had just driven before him the combined forces of Shields and Fremont, and on the bloody field the banks of the Chickahominy against McClellan; a combined advance of the forces under Lee and Jackson might save the capital. But how should the attack be made? In council of war, General Stuart ir right wing. If these were slight, the attack could be made with fair prospects of success. Jackson could sweep around while Lee assailed the lines near Mechanicsville; then one combined assault Mississippi-cavalier as brave as ever drew sabre-Stuart pushed on northward as if going to join Jackson, and reaching the vicinity of Taylorsville, near Hanover Junction, went that night into bivouacng was unprotected; Stuart had accomplished the object of his expedition, and afterward piloted Jackson over this very same road. But to continue the narrative of his movements. The picket at the b