Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: April 11, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Thomas G. Jackson or search for Thomas G. Jackson in all documents.

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contended with at least five times their own numbers; yet, till the order was announced from the lips of our gallant General Jackson himself, did they dare to leave the field, or despair of victory. Whilst every regiment doubtless acted its part wees did not pursue us further that night, but are said to have spent the night in gathering up their dead and wounded. Gen. Jackson encamped but a few miles from the battle-ground, where he remained till a late hour the following morning. In the morthan 1,500 killed, wounded, and missing, while ours does not exceed 500. The enemy are still advancing up the Valley. Gen. Jackson has fallen back within two miles of Newmarket, where he seems to be making every preparation to give them another warmith the "Stonewall" Brigade about positions, feeling confident that each and all endeavored to do their duty, and that Gen. Jackson, in his report, will give all a fair share of the glory. J. Loss of the Rockbridge Artillery in the engagement.
intended the staves should be liberated, and that he wished it distinctly understood that every negro in Clarke county was as free as his master. This the negroes seem to perfectly understand, and were taking advantage of it, hundreds of them quitting their comfortable homes to snuff the breeze of an adulterated freedom in the North. Not content with leaving themselves, many of them were stealing horses and riding off under the protection of the Federal authorities. In reference to the battle at Kernstown, the gentleman alluded to thinks that the enemy's loss in killed alone must have been near one thousand. The result of the fight was not regarded as a victory by the enemy, the greatest confusion existing among them in Winchester the night after its occurrence, and preparations were made to evacuate the place in the event of Gen. Jackson's advance. Our informant states that Gen. Shields has recently been reinforced, and has now under him about twenty-five thousand men.