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sperate bravery of our men. We exhausted our cartridges time and again, and continued on with the bayonet. I never want to see such a sight again; it makes my blood run cold to think about it; the dead were piled up on every field by the hundreds, with the meet ghastly looking wounds you ever looked at Most of the Yankees that I saw dead were shot through the head, and their brains had oozed out on the ground, and the groans of the wounded were awful to hear. A little before sunset, Gen. Jackson's brigade, having fired away its ammunition, was driven back and was in great danger of falling into confusion, when the General and his staff galloped into the midst of them, directed the standard bearers to hoist their flags, and calling on their men not to let Alabama (they were all Alabamians except one regiment) be ashamed of them, they rallied immediately, and charged with the bayonet.--This threw the enemy into confusion, and the cavalry dashing in upon them, entirely cut off their
From Jackson's army. The Lynchburg Virginian, of yesterday, has the following: The passengers who arrived on the Orange and Alexandria train Saturday night contradict the reported battle between Jackson and the enemy. They report a slight skirmish between Ashby's cavalry and the enemy. One company of our cavalry, who were on picket, were surrounded and taken prisoners. General Jackson was falling back in perfect order, and without the loss of any stores. It is supposed to beGeneral Jackson was falling back in perfect order, and without the loss of any stores. It is supposed to be his intention to concentrate his forces with those of General Edward Johnson, who had also left his former position, and give the enemy battle. The Lynchburg Republican has a report of a sharp artillery duel on Friday last, across the Rappahannock, between a portion of General Ewell's command and the enemy. Our loss was two or three killed and some fifteen of twenty wounded. The loss of the enemy was thought to be much heavier.