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go after them as readily as they can after us? Rebel account of the battle. Camp Nary Camp, near Ungoe's Store, Morgan County, Va., Jan. 10, 1862. General Jackson's command is now stationed in the woods around and about here, and as there has been no name given to the encampment, I have christened it Nary camp, for we aof us, half a mile distant, with the pretty little town of Hancock on the opposite shore, in Maryland, where the enemy, in considerable force were quartered. General Jackson, early in the morning, sent a flag of truce by Colonel Ashby, to the authorities of the town, notifying the inhabitants to vacate the place, as he intended to and the firing then ceased on both sides for the day. Not a man hurt on our side; on that of the enemy we were unable to tell. For reasons known to himself, General Jackson concluded not to burn the town, and did not fire a shell into it for that purpose. Monday morning the enemy commenced the ball, and having no doubt been re
dence and most ardent enthusiasm. In July, 1861, he covered the flag of our Union with ineffable glory at Carthage; there history wrote his New World certificate of the most eminent generalship, while the rebel banner was biting the dust. When Jackson, Price, Rains and Parsons acted the traitors to their country, we find Franz Sigel forming German regiments, and educating them defenders of this beloved land of our adoption. In reading General Sigel's report of the battle of Carthage, to Genecountrymen. He was, there was no question, one of the ablest and best leaders of the army. The Germans in Missouri had been persecuted ever since the breaking out of the rebellion, because they had remained true to the Union. Without them Governor Jackson would have succeeded in wrenching the State of Missouri from the Union. (Bravo.) The speaker alluded to the slave question and slaves as contrabands, taking a radical view of the question. They should demand for Gen. Sigel such a position,
hree miles since four P. M., yesterday, besides bridging the river. The papers taken, and my own reconnoissance to the south, prove the country clear, and that Jackson and Loring are in Winchester. We made a move and occupied the Blooming Gap and Point Mill, on the belief, by information obtained from deserters, that Gen. Carheard, and the enemy driven from Moorfield on the south, to the eastern limits of his department, by a system of hurried marches and combinations, which compelled Jackson to retire, by threatening his subsistence-trains. As much has been said about General Lander's marching on Winchester, it may be remarked that he has never been since his reoccupation of that point, has been done at the risk of displeasing in high quarters. I was informed, by very good authority, that Lander would fight Jackson, in force, in his own department, but could not proceed beyond it unless to support Gen. Banks, should he need his assistance. He captured four thousand bushels
Col. Baldwin, of the same regiment, had his horse shot under him. We had four light field-batteries in the fight, namely, those of Captains Porter, Graves, Jackson, (a Virginia battery,) and another, name unknown. It is the opinion of Lieut. D. that ten thousand troops were not taken prisoners. First, the character of thtteries and several regiments of cavalry, all of which have doubtless fallen into the hands of the enemy. The former were commanded by Capts. Porter, Graves, and Jackson, of Virginia, and----. To distinguish friend from foe, our men had a white band tied around the arm, and in the regiments there was carried by the side of the t severe. Tenn. BattalionMajor Colms,27000 do.do. Major Gowan,6033 do.do.CavalryGantt,22701 do.do.do.Capt. Milton,1500 do.do.do.Forest,600815 Artilllery,  Murray's,8002 do.  Porter,11309 do.  Graves,5004 do.  Maney,10059 do.  Jackson,3400 do.  Guy,5800 do.  Ross,16622 do.  Green,7601       Total
s R. Norris, S. P. Blanc,H. H. Tyson, J. H. Rodman,E. A. Swain, A. H. Sterling,E. M. Maffit, J. S. Bullock,E. M. Andrews, D. M. Lee,W. A. Wilson, P. H. McCarrick,W. B. Sinclair. J. H. Hamilton,  Chief (steam) Engineers. W. P. Williamson,V. Freeman, Michael Quinn,E. W. Manning, Jas. H. Warner,E. A. Ramsey. T. A. Jackson,  First Assistant-Engineers. E. W. Manning,M. J. Freeman, H. A. Ramsey,C. H. Geddes. Chas. Schroeder,Hugh Clark, Geo. W. City,B. J. Collins, M. P. Jordan,B. B. Wright. J. H. Loper,  Second Assistant-Engineers. C. H. Levy,J. E. Esnard, J. W. Tynan,J. J. Darcey, L. Campbell,Geo. Williams, Geo. D. Lining,W. H. Todd, W. O. Brooks,  Third Assistant-Engineers. H. K. Wright,W. Ahern, Benj. Herring,J. J. Henderson, Henry Fagan,F. J. Miller, J. T. Tucker,J. H. Dent, C. W. Jordan,M. O'Brien, J. H. Toombs,S. W. Cummings, W. H. Jackson,J. H. Bailey, J. P. W. Gormley,E. G. Hall, J. Hanks,Wm. Quinn, J. W. Hanks,W. M. Fauntleroy. G. W. Moran,
tuart threatened to come back to-day and swoop off the remaining people and houses, and nothing but his sudden pursuit by our army has perhaps prevented him from doing it. It has blown up or otherwise destroyed every bridge and culvert on turnpike and railroad along its route. It has swept clean every camp, except the few at Manassas Junction, whence its rear-guard evidently departed in hastened alarm at the sudden approach of our army. Never was an evacuation more complete. II. Gen. Jackson has escaped from Shenandoah Valley, burning bridges between himself and Gen. Banks. This is positively stated by escaped contrabands coming in to night. III. The number of camps and barracks scattered far and wide would afford, even as they stand now, accommodation for near seventy thousand men, and this only refers to those within eight miles of Centreville. IV. A large portion of this evacuation must have been gradually accomplished during the past two months. But nearly fifty
t Jackson, I ascertained that the enemy under Jackson was strongly posted near that place, and in dinchester was being evacuated, and signalized Jackson to that effect. We saw their signal-fires anafternoon. Although I began to conclude that Jackson was nowhere in the vicinity, knowing the crafstructive as ever fell upon a retreating foe. Jackson, with his supposed invincible stone-wall brigeen won, still I could not have believed that Jackson would have hazarded a decisive engagement at he enemy must have exceeded eleven thousand. Jackson, who commanded on the field, had, in additiononor to command, and the rebel forces under Gen. Jackson. Early in the morning of the twenty-thir and the front until four o'clock P. M., when Jackson, with the whole of his infantry, supported bypinion I too began to concur, concluding that Jackson was too sagacious to be caught in such a trap is more crushing because wholly unexpected. Jackson and his stone-wall brigade, and all the other[8 more...]
nothing of those which burst over and went around. I devoted but little attention to Fort St. Philip, knowing that when Jackson fell Fort St. Philip would follow. The mortar flotilla is still fresh and ready for service. Truly the backbone of tla, of the one part, and Brig.-Gen. J. K. Duncan, commanding the coast defences, and Lieut.-Col. Edward Higgins, commanding Forts Jackson and St. Philip, of the other part, it is mutually agreed: First. That Brig.-Gen. Duncan and Lieut.-Col. Higgmanding Harriet Lane. J. K. Duncan, Brig.-Gen. Commanding Coast Defences. Edward Higgins, Lieut.-Col. C. S.A., Commanding Forts Jackson and St. Philip. Witnesses: Ed. T. Nichols, Lieut. Commanding Winona. J. H. Russels, Lieut. Commanding Kanawha. er of my division following in regular and compact order. We were scarcely above the boom, when we were discovered, and Jackson and St. Philip opened upon us. We could bring no gun to bear, but steered directly on. We were struck from stem to stern