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The Daily Dispatch: May 9, 1863., [Electronic resource] 8 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: May 9, 1863., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for William E. Jackson or search for William E. Jackson in all documents.

Your search returned 4 results in 2 document sections:

n the vicinity of Chancellorsville, and in the "Wilderness" beyond that point. This account related more particularly to the part performed by the corps of Lieut-Gen. Jackson. Co-operating with this corps were the divisions commanded by Major-Gens. McLaws and Anderson, who held in check the enemy in front of Chancellorsville, an canister, and musketry was hurled upon them, and many a brave spirit sank at the bidding of the deadly messengers. On Saturday afternoon the work was begun, Jackson, with the divisions of A. P. Hill, Rhodes, and Trimble, having reached the enemy's rear. Their fleet serious of entrenchments was carried without such a resistanopriate address has been issued by Gen. Lee to the gallant and invincible army under his commands. It will be seen that Gen. Lee pays a just tribute to Lieutenant General Jackson, with whom he has been so long associated in arms: Headq'rs Army Northern Virginia, May 7th, 1863. General Orders, No. 59. With heartfelt g
Commendable. --The Augusta Manufacturing Company, though their President, Wm. E. Jackson, Esq., have generously allowed ten bales of shelling and shiftiness of their manufacture to be taken to Lake City, Fla., to be told to the families of sick and disable soldiers and families of colorers in service at a small advance on cost.