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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: July 5, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Jackson or search for Jackson in all documents.
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The Daily Dispatch: July 5, 1861., [Electronic resource], Notice to our Subscribers. (search)
Latest News late from Winchester.
Passengers who arrived on the Central cars yesterday, who left Winchester on Wednesday evening, report the retreat of General Patterson's command across the Potomac on the approach of General Johnston.
It is further reported that of Col. Jackson's force of 4,500 which engaged Patterson's column on Tuesday, at, Falling Waters, near Martinsburg, there were six killed and twenty wounded, and it is believed there were about eighty of the enemy killed.
The arrival of over forty prisoners at Winchester is confirmed.
It seems useless to anticipate any pitched battle, as the enemy is apparently not disposed to give Gen. Johnston battle, at least on this side of the river.
Their retreat looks very much like a ruse to draw our troops into Maryland.
We publish this morning from the Baltimore Sun, of Wednesday, the Northern account of the engagement between Gen. Johnston's advance force and the Federalists under Gen. Patterson, on the 2d inst.
The Daily Dispatch: July 5, 1861., [Electronic resource], Notice to our Subscribers. (search)
Sons of freedom. Sons of freedom, on to glory!
Go, where brave men do or die, Let your names, in future story, Gladden every patriot's eye. 'Tis your country calls you, hasten' Backward hurt the invading foe. Freemen!
never thick of danger, To the glorious battle go!
Oh! remember lant Jackson.
Night trait to the fight.
blows dealt the fierce marauder, Though he fell beneath their thousands, Who that covets not his fate?
Grand and glorious, brave and noble, Henceforth shall be Jackson's name.
Sons of freedom!
can be linger, When you hear the battle's roar, Fondly dollying with your pleasures, When the foe is on your shore?
Never not I fear hold are, "Death or freedom" is now the cry, Till the Stars and hard triumphant. Spread their folds to every eye!
The Daily Dispatch: July 5, 1861., [Electronic resource], Death of a Venerable lady. (search)
An Old. Veteran gone.
--Capt. Wm. Hale died on the 26th ult., in this place, in his 66th year.
A native of Virginia, he had resided in Huntsville for about forty- five years, sustaining ever the character of an honest, energetic man and a good citizen.
He was a soldier tried and true in the war of 1812; served under Jackson in the Creek Indian war, and was in its battles; was at the taking of Pensacola; fought in the battle of New Orleans, and endured all the hardships of Coffee's brigade.
An acceptable Mason and a pious Christian, his life exemplified the virtues and the faith of both.
For years he suffered intense agony, yet his patient resignation continued until the end, which was in peace with the world and hope in his God.
He was buried with military and masonic ceremonies, --Huntsvills (Ala) Adv.
The Daily Dispatch: July 5, 1861., [Electronic resource], Murder of a soldier in Memphis, Tenn (search)
Murder of a soldier in Memphis, Tenn
--The Memphis Appeal, of Tuesday morning last, says:
On Sunday afternoon two soldiers of Capt. Jackson's regiment of heavy artillery, now stationed at the fort at the foot of Jefferson street, entered a drinking place near the railroad crossing on the Raleigh road.
One of the two, named Owen McCarty, finding that his companion had become helplessly intoxicated, took from him for safe keeping twenty-seven dollars he had about him. Three men who were in the place saw this, and after the soldiers had left the place they went up to them and demanded the money.
On being refused by McCarty, one of them with a pistol shot him. The ball struck the heart and death was instantaneous.
An attempt was made to take the money from the dead man's pocket, but two mounted soldiers coming up, they fled.--They were pursued, and one of the two, Chas. Philips, was arrested.
Another of the party, James Barton, was arrested yesterday morning.
The two men
Gen. Jackson's motto.
--Those Yankees who are continually repeating the motto of Old Hickory, "the Union must and shall be preserved," should not forget the words he used on the same occasion.
They are as follows:
"But the Constitution cannot be maintained nor the Union preserved in opposition to public feeling, by the mere exertion of the coercive powers confined to the General Government.
The foundations must be laid in the affections of the people — in the security it gives to life, liberty, character and property in every quarter of the country, and in the paternal attachment which the citizens of the several States bear to one another as members of one political family, mutually contributing to promote the happiness of each other."