Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: February 15, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Jackson or search for Jackson in all documents.

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Gen. Jackson and the Black Flag. The declaration of Gen. Jackson in the beginning of the war in favor ofGen. Jackson in the beginning of the war in favor of raising the Black Flag, recently mentioned by Governor Letcher in his speech in Danville, so far from detractharacter of the people by whom it is waged, than Gen. Jackson. He looked upon it as essentially a John Brown ominable than any John Brown ever proposed. Gen. Jackson, we say, thoroughly understood the purpose of thn this North American invasion of the South, and Gen. Jackson, who saw this from the beginning, proposed to trsuch a war, had first raised the Black Flag, and Gen. Jackson only proposed to fight with their own weapons a ost mild and merciful Government under the sun?" Gen. Jackson, whose keen sagacity was equal to his heroism, s they intend to go on to the bitter end, just as Gen. Jackson saw from the first they would do, unless the Bla Let no one, therefore, impeach the humanity of Gen. Jackson because he advocated a mode of resistance which,
The advance on Mobile. --The Mobile Advertiser has the following telegrams about the advance of the enemy towards that city: Jackson, Feb. 5.--Official information to half-past 4 o'clock last evening has been received here from Gen. Lee, who was then nine miles west of Clinton. The enemy advanced slowly in line yes00 infantry. There is also a force of the enemy advancing from Messenger's Ferry, via Queen's Hill. The enemy's intention seems to be to move on Clinton and Jackson. Our loss in the engagement yesterday was about ten killed and a good many wounded; Among the latter are several officers, including the gallant Major Bridge enemy left his killed and wounded in our hands. Heavy and continuous firing is heard on the Yazoo to-day. No report is yet here to-day from Gen. Ross. Jackson, Feb. 5.--The enemy have crossed Big Black and are advancing eastward in three columns, supposed to be about 10,000 men each. This morning Wirt Adams dashed