Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 11. (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Jacobs or search for Jacobs in all documents.

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ajor Siegler, were intrenched in the houses. The carbineers of the Third New York were dismounted, and moved forward as infantry skirmishers, under command of Major Jacobs, while two bodies of troops forded the creek and got in the rear of the enemy, cutting off all retreat. The howitzer batteries, and the three-inch rifles of tidge. The rebel skirmishers extended for a mile along the railroad, and were soon engaged in a sharp conflict with the carbineers of the Third New York, under Major Jacobs. The First District Columbia, under Major Baker, entered the woods on the extreme left, and succeeded in turning the enemy's position. This regiment is armednished division — consisting of two brigades: the first composed of the Third New York cavalry, under Major Hall, and the First District Columbia, Major Baker, Major Jacobs of the Third commanding; and the Second brigade Fifth Pennsylvania, Major Kline, Eleventh Pennsylvania, Lieutenant-Colonel Stetzer, commanded by Colonel Spear,