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Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 8: capture of Fernandina and the coast South of Georgia. (search)
h the walls and threatened to destroy the magazine. When General Totten, the chief of Engineers, built Fort Pulaski, it was deemed impregnable to the assault of a naval force armed with the heaviest guns then in use, 32-pounders, and he would have been astonished if he had been told that in a few years a rifled projectile would be invented that would bore through his walls and crumble them to pieces. The guns used by the naval detachment were three 30-pounder Parrots and one 24-pounder James. Commander Rodgers speaks in high terms of the officers and men. Lieut. Irwin, Acting-Master Robinson and Midshipmen Johnson and Pearson, Lewis Brown, Captain of the Forecastle, and George H. Wood, Quartermaster. There were many gallant affairs constantly occurring, in which reconnoitering parties from the Navy were concerned, and they gave the enemy no rest. In these affairs the Army participated whenever an opportunity offered; and here we would remark, that at no period during the wa
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 35: operations of the North Atlantic Squadron, 1863. (search)
ood of Williamsburg were being driven by a large force of Confederates down towards the mouth of Queen's Creek, and that, if a large force of gun-boats was not sent to Yorktown, even Yorktown itself might fall. The Commodore Morris (the only available vessel) was sent immediately to the York River to co-operate with the Crusader, then there. Any one can imagine the embarrassment the commander-in-chief labored under to satisfy all these demands, first in the Sounds, then on the Nansemond, James, or York rivers. After all, most of these gun-boats were merely improvised for the occasion, and the Army transports, armed with field-artillery, would have answered the same purpose. But the soldiers were not used to managing steamers up the narrow streams or handling guns behind the frail bulwarks of wooden gun-boats. Only sailors could do that kind of work, and the Army were only too glad to have them do it. During the demonstrations made by the enemy on this occasion there was much
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 39: Miscellaneous operations, land and sea.--operations in the Nansemond, Cape Fear, Pamunky, Chucka Tuck and James Rivers.--destruction of blockade-runners.--adventures of Lieutenant Cushing, etc. (search)
posted that these efforts were generally of no benefit to the Union cause. Thus the month of June closed with no immediate results favorable to the Federals, except that the Army was transported to the south of Richmond, and was in communication with the Navy; while the Confederates continued to strengthen daily the fortifications of Richmond and Petersburg. In fact, General Grant had encountered obstacles far greater than he had anticipated. A large portion of the naval forces on the James naturally assembled at City Point, where General Grant had established his headquarters, while other portions of the North Atlantic squadron were employed in the sounds of North Carolina and in the blockade of the coast. About the middle of May, the North Carolina, an iron-clad resembling the Atlanta, appeared off Fort Fisher, at the mouth of Cape Fear River, accompanied by two tugs. This vessel commenced an attack at long range on the blockading vessels then employed off the north inlet
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 42: Red River expedition.--continued. (search)
A. R. Langthorne; Acting-Assistant Surgeon, J. M. Flint; Acting-Assistant Paymaster, P. J. Stone; Acting-Master, J. W. Morehead; Acting-Ensigns, W. C. Turner and C. H. Reed; Acting-Master's Mates, E. C. Urner, Frank Seymour and F. M. Clark; Engineers: Acting-First-Assistant, John H. Scott; Acting-Second-Assistants, Edwin Senior and Samuel Weaver; Acting-Third-Assistants, A. M. Wasson and Geo. W. Amsden. Steamer brilliant. Acting-Volunteer-Lieutenant, Charles G. Perkins; Acting-Assistant Surgeon, Milton James; Acting-Assistant Paymaster, Horace Talcott; Acting-Ensigns, G. D. Little, J. J. Perkins and Richard McAllister: Acting-Master's Mates, T. G. Herron and J. H. Neely; Engineers: Acting-First-Assistant, Wm. A. Willey; Acting-Second-Assistants, Samuel Ecoff and James Cutter. Steamer St. Clair. Acting-Volunteer-Lieutenant, T. B. Gregory; Acting-Assistant Paymaster, H. F. Browne; Acting-Ensigns, Warren Burch and G. W. Garrison; Acting-Master's Mates, E. C. Williams, J. H. Hu
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 52: operations about Charleston, 1865.--fall of Charleston, Savannah, etc. (search)
and in the work of repossessing the forts and of restoring the authority of the Government in the insurgent States. Respectfully, Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy. Rear-Admiral John A. Dahlgren, Washington, D. C. South Atlantic Squadron, January 1, 1865. Rear-Admiral J. A. Dahlgren, Commanding. Staff Lieutenant-Commander Joseph M. Bradford, Fleet-Captain; Lieutenant-Commander E. O. Mathews, Flag-Lieutenant-Commander; Lieutenant Alfred T. Mahan, Ordnance-Officer; Lieutenant James O'kane, Flag-Lieutenant; Ensign Ernest J. Dichman, Aide; Fleet-Engineer, Robert Danby; Fleet-Paymaster, James H. Watmough; Fleet-Surgeon, William Johnson; Acting-Volunteer-Lieutenant And Pilot, Wm. Haffards; Acting-Ensign, Walter Cooper; Acting-Ensign And Signal-Officer, Geo. H. Rexford. Canandaigua--Second-rate. Captain, Gustavus H. Scott; Commander, N. B. Harrison; Lieutenants, S. B. Gillett and Walter Abbott; Acting-Masters, Calvin C. Childs, J. L. Gifford and R. G. Lelar; Ac
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 55: operations of the Mississippi Squadron in the latter part of 1864 and in 1865. (search)
Baldwin; Acting-First-Assistants, C. E. Arbuthnot and J. Blake; Acting-Second-Assistants, J. F. Stone and H. G. Moreland; Acting-Third Assistant, S. C. Babbitt; Acting-Carpenter, John A. Stuart. Lafayette--Fourth-rate. Lieutenant-Commander, James P Foster; Acting-Masters, J. R. Neeld, F. G. Sampson and J. H. Welsh; Acting-Ensigns, Paul Morgan and C. H. Slocum; Acting-Master's Mates, S. O. Lovell, Wm. E. Atkins and Edw. C. Eraley; Acting-Assistant Surgeon, D. Hayden; Acting-Assistant-Paymacting-Third-Assistants, D. B. Cox, Eli Powell and R. Yocum. Brilliant Fourth-rate. Acting-Volunteer-Lieutenant, Chas. G. Perkins; Acting-Master, G. D. Little; Acting-Ensign, N. F. Vaughan; Acting-Master's Mate, C. D. Griggs; Acting-Assistant Surgeon, Milton James; Acting-Assistant Paymaster, B. Page; Engineers: Acting-First-Assistant, W. E. Willey; Acting-Second-Assistant, Jas. Cutler; Acting-Third-Assistant, C. W. Egster and R. M. Myers. Ozark--Fourth-rate. Acting-Volunteer-Lieutena
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 59: (search)
loop Hancock 239 62 107 57 132 05 do April 21, 1865 Sunflower. Sloop Hope 6,299 47 937 28 5,362 19 do April 21, 1865 Beauregard. Sloop Henrietta 8,961 96 768 38 8,193 58 do Aug. 25, 1865 Merrimac. Schooner Isabel or W. R. King 4,672 87 480 15 4,192 72 do Oct. 16, 1862 Montgomery. Schooner Ida 784 15 455 10 329 05 do Feb. 17, 1863 Mercedita. Brig Intended 8,874 90 1,865 48 7,009 42 Philadelphia Feb. 17, 1863 Jamestown. Schooner Ida 486 74 230 16 256 58 Key West Mar. 17, 1864 James S Chambers. Sloop Isabella 76 87 65 58 11 29 do Mar. 29, 1864 Fort Henry. Schooner Independence 1,600 00 751 32 848 68 New Orleaus Nov. 26, 1864 Potomac.   Iron, railroad, 1,200 bars Waiting for prize lists of Mohican, Potomska, and Pocahontas. 3,467 08 1,204 77 2,262 31 Philadelphia   Mohican, Potomska, Pocahontas.   Iron, railroad, 658 bars Waiting for prize lists of Mohican, Potomska, and Pocahontas. 5,942 62 1,734 75 4,207 87 do   Mohican, Potomska, Pocahontas. Schoo
was appointed this day to consider the expediency of building a new meeting-house, and to procure plans and estimates. They finally recommended the erection of a wooden house; and on the 2d of April, 1839, the parish passed the following vote: That the present house be taken down, and a new one built on the same spot in its stead, not to exceed in cost the sum of $12,000. The building-committee were Messrs. Samuel P. Heywood, Andrew Blanchard, jun., George W. Porter, Samuel Lapham, and Milton James, Esqrs. Whether the parish had learned wisdom from former times or not, we cannot tell; but surely the unanimity and heartiness seen in these movements evince solid judgment and Christian character. Three judicious and disinterested gentlemen were chosen, from towns adjacent, to apprize the pews in the old meeting-house; and they performed their duty acceptably,--not awarding over twenty dollars to the best pews. The parish took leave of the old house on Sunday, May 12, 1839; on whic
n has taken laudable pride, of late years, in building proper schoolhouses. The following table records the facts:-- When Built.location.building-Committee.master-workmen.cost. 1835.Primary, Union Street.Horatio A. Smith, Galen James, and Milton James.Caldwell & Wyatt.$1040.00. 1837.Primary, Park Street.Galen James, James W. Brooks, James O. Curtis, & Saml. Joyce.Oakman Joyce and John Sables.3454.64. 1840.High & Grammar, High Street.Oakman Joyce, D. Lawrence, and James O. Curtis.Charles Cly covered the whole amount, which was $5,389.89. The south end was built of brick, and the house made thirteen feet longer than at first. It was again insured, at the same office, for $5,000. The building-committee were Messrs. Darius Waite, Milton James, and John P. Clisby. Oct. 18, 1850: Saturday night it was again burned in part. The town voted to rebuild; and, having received from the insurance-office $4,580, this money was used for payment. The building-committee were Messrs. Daniel
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 2., The development of the public School of Medford. (search)
t was voted that a committee be chosen to inquire into the different and best methods of conducting public schools in other places, also into the state of our own public schools, to report what improvements, what numbers and kinds of schools are necessary in this town to qualify every scholar who desires an education for the active duties of life. Also to report on the duty of the School Committee, the Teachers and Scholars. Nathan Adams, Galen James, Caleb Stetson, Robert L. Ells, and Milton James were the committee appointed and they reported in print in April. The bill for printing this report has been found, but not the report itself, yet we still hope that some attic will be found that will put us in possession of one of the most important documents in the educational history of the town. Thus, then, was our modern system of schools established, with one central high school, two grammar, with male teachers, and primary schools tributary to these. After one year of trial th