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December 17, 1860. The South Carolina Convention met this day at Columbia, the capital of the State, General D. F. Jamieson in the chair, and passed a resolution to adjourn to Charleston, in consequence of the prevalence of the small-pox at Columbia, which was declared epidemic.
ec. 363 Jackson, Andrew, The Three Swords presented to, P. 138; notices of, Doc. 113, 115 Jackson, J. W., the assassin, D. 79 Jackson, Nathaniel J., Col. First Maine Regiment, Doc. 320 Jay, C. W., D. 15 Jay, John, notice of, D. 46; The Great Conspiracy, an address delivered at Mount Kisco, N. Y., July 4, Doc. 378 James River, Va., blockaded, D. 53 Jamestown, steamer, seized, D. 32 Jameson, Charles D., Colonel Second Maine Regiment, Doc. 256 Jamieson, D. F., D. 3 Janvier, Francis De Haas, P. 14 J. C. Swan, steamier, seized, D. 76 Jefferson City, Mo., evacuated by the rebels, D. 104 Jefferson D. P. 123 Jefferson Territory. See L. W. Bliss. Jefferson, Thomas, Int. 15, 19 Jenifer, Lieut., U. S. A., D. 39 Jersey City, N. J., Union meeting at, D. 28 Johnson, Andrew, in effigy D. 4; insulted at Lynchburgh, Va., D. 38; narrow escape of, P. 43 Johnson, Bradley F., D. 65 Johnson, —, Col. 1st
From South Carolina. Branchville, S. C., Jan. 4. --The Governor has made the following divisions of the Exceptive administration: First, for intercourse with other States, arrangements with foreign powers, consuls, treaties, &c., he appoints Hon. A. G. McGrath; second, for military matters, he appoints Gen. D. F. Jamieson; third, for financial matters, he appoints Hon. C. G. Memminger; fourth, for postal, light-house and revenue matters, he appoints Gen. W. W. Hardee; fifth, for local matters, militia, coast police, &c., he appoints Gen. A. C. Garlington.