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Dec. 24. Governor Pickens, agreeably to the ordinance of secession, issued a proclamation, proclaiming South Carolina a separate, sovereign, free, and independent State, with the right to levy war, conclude peace, negotiate treaties, leagues, or covenants, and do all acts whatever that rightly appertain to a free and independent State.--Herald, Jan. 1, 1861. A Mass meeting was held at New Orleans to ratify the nominations of the Southern Rights candidates for the Convention. It was the largest congregation of every party ever assembled in that city. Cornelius Fellows was President, and speeches were made by Charles M. Conrad, Charles Gayare, and others, advocating immediate secession, amid unbounded enthusiasm. The Southern Marseillaise was sung as the banner of the Southern Confederacy was raised, amid reiterated and prolonged cheers for South Carolina and Louisiana.--National Intelligencer, Dec. 25. The election for delegates to the State Convention to meet Janua
nown to give aid and comfort to, or in any way countenancing the revolt of any State against the authority of the constitution and the laws of the Union.--Evening Post, Dec. 28. Captain N. L. Coste, U. S. R. Service, in command of the cutter William Aiken, betrayed his vessel into the hands of the State authorities of South Carolina. The crew, on being notified of the position of Captain Coste, under the State ordinance concerning the customs, promptly volunteered to remain under his command as an officer of South Carolina under that ordinance. See statement of Lieutenant Underwood, N. Y. Times, Jan. 9, 1861. A meeting was held this evening at Richmond, Va., to give expression of opinion on the present crisis. Several speeches were made, favoring prompt secession measures, and others advocating a resort to negotiation.--Herald, Dec. 29. The Governor of South Carolina is tendered the services of troops from Georgia, Alabama, and different portions of Carolina.
Major Robert Anderson, United States Army, has achieved the unenviable distinction of opening civil war between American citizens by an act of gross breach of faith. He has, under counsels of a panic, deserted his post at Fort Moultrie, and, under false pretexts, has transferred his garrison and military stores and supplies to Fort Sumter. The Mercury, more temperately, says: Major Anderson alleges that the movement was made without orders and upon his own responsibility, and that he was not aware of such an understanding. He is a gentleman, and we will not impugn his word or his motives. But it is due to South Carolina and to good faith that the act of this officer should be repudiated by the Government, and that the troops be removed forthwith from Fort Sumter. --(Doc. 9.) John B. Floyd resigned his position as Secretary of War, owing to the refusal of the President to withdraw the Federal troops from the forts at Charleston.--(Doc. 10.)--Baltimore Sun, Jan. 1.
he close opened up to every one the new era in national affairs. His closing declaration, that the South could never be subjugated, was greeted by the galleries with disgraceful applause, screams, and uproar. It was evidently the act of persons who had purposely packed the galleries. For this demonstration the galleries were promptly cleared; but as the people passed out, remarks were current among the mob such as, That's the talk --Now we will have war --Benjamin's a brick --D — n the abolitionists --Abe Lincoln will never come here. --Times, Jan. 1. General Wool takes strong ground in favor of the Union, of sustaining Anderson in his position at Fort Sumter, and earnestly urges that a firm ground be adopted to put down rebellion. He declares that if Fort Sumter be surrendered to the secessionists, in twenty days two hundred thousand men will be in readiness to take vengeance on all who would betray the Union into the hands of its enemies.--(Doc. 11.)--Troy Times, Dec. 3
boast in private circles that they have five thousand well-armed and organized men ready to strike the blow instantly upon the concerted signal being given.--Times, Jan. 2. At Charleston, the attitude of the Administration is regarded as warlike. A censorship is exercised over the telegraph, and the city is nightly patrollee Columbia Artillery, numbering 50 men, arrived at 1 o'clock to-day, and proceeded to the harbor. They will use cannon belonging to Charleston.--Boston Transcript, Jan. 2. The South Carolina Convention passed an ordinance to define and punish treason. It declares that in addition to that already declared treason by the Geno define and punish treason. It declares that in addition to that already declared treason by the General Assembly, treason against the State shall consist only in levying war against the State, adhering to its enemies, and giving them aid and comfort. The penalty is death without the benefit of the clergy.--Evening Post, Jan. 2.
Anderson's communications are cut off; that Fort Moultrie has been completely repaired and the guns remounted; and that every thing is in readiness to open a fire on Major Anderson. New batteries are being erected around him by the secessionists.--N. Y. Times. In New York city an assembly of the people in the City Hall Park fire 100 guns in honor of Major Anderson. Five thousand citizens of Baltimore have signed a letter addressed to Governor Hicks, of Maryland, approving his course in refusing to convene the Legislature of that State. The list is headed by John P. Kennedy, Mr. Fillmore's Secretary of the Navy, and comprises the names of nine-tenths of the business men of the city. Calls for public meetings to sustain the Governor are now being issued all over the State.--Baltimore American. Governor Ellis, of North Carolina, dispatched troops to seize upon Fort Macon, at Beaufort, the forts at Wilmington, and the United States arsenal at Fayetteville.--Times, Jan. 3.
Jan. 3. The order for the removal of guns from the Alleghany arsenal to southern forts is revoked by the War Department, under a decision of the Cabinet. Fort Pulaski, at Savannah, Ga., is taken possession of by State troops, by order of the Governor. A Book is opened in New York city, for the enrolment of volunteers to meet any demand which may be made by the Governor of the State for troops to aid in preserving the Union.--Times, Jan. 4. The Florida State Convention assembled at Tallahassee. Hon. H. Dickenson, Commissioner from Mississippi, addresses both Houses of the Delaware Legislature, inviting Delaware to join a Southern Confederacy. The House, having heard him, passed unanimously the following resolution, in which the Senate concurred: Resolved, That, having extended to Hon. H. Dickenson, Commissioner from Mississippi, the courtesy due him as a representative of a sovereign State of the Confederacy, as well as to the State he represents, we deem
the secessionists at Savannah. Upon the same statement in Georgia, the Governor issued an order for her release.--Times, Jan. 5. The South Carolina Convention appointed Hons. T. J. Withers, L. M. Keitt, W. W. Boyce, James Chesnut, Jr., R. B.0 barrels of powder, 300,000 rounds of musket-cartridges, and other munitions of war. There was no defence.--Evening Post, Jan. 7. An appeal to the people of Florida, by the Charleston Mercury, to seize the forts and other defences at Pensacolahe entrance of Mobile Bay, was taken this morning by Alabama troops, and is now garrisoned by two hundred men.--The Press, Jan. 5. This evening a workingmen's meeting was held at Cincinnati, Ohio. Speeches were made, and resolutions adopted, dester county, to offer their services to the Government to maintain the constitution and enforce the laws.--Evening Post. Jan. 5. The following notice is served on residents of Charleston, indiscriminately: Beat No 1, 16th Regiment, Re
Resolutions recommending the Legislature to organize thoroughly the military power of the State, and prepare for civil war should it occur; scorning coercion; and preparing to resist invasion, were unanimously adopted.--National Intelligencer, Jan. 7. Apprehensions of an attack on Washington are subsiding, in consequence of the measures already taken. General Carrington, of that city, has issued a call for a military organization for its defence.--(Doc. 15.) In the State Conventitee on Federal Relations to report a bill calling a State Convention.--Times. Steamship Star of the West, Captain McGowan, cleared at New York for Havana and New Orleans. Two hundred and fifty artillerists and marines, with stores and ammunition, were put on board in the lower bay by steamtug, and in the night the ship went to sea, supposed to be destined for Charleston. The South Carolina Convention adjourned this morning, subject to the call of the president.--Evening Post, Jan. 5.
pon the loyal people of the several States to be prepared to render all their aid, military and otherwise, to the enforcement of the Federal laws; that Major Anderson deserves the thanks of the country for the course pursued by him.--Evening Post, Jan. 8. A company of marines was put into Fort Washington, on the Potomac, 14 miles south of Washington city. Forty tons of shot, shell, and powder, were forwarded from New York city by Adams' express for New Orleans; reported to be destineississippi delegations in Washington held a conference, and telegraphed to the Conventions of their respective States, to advise immediate secession, as they consider that there is no prospect of a satisfactory adjustment. A caucus of Southern senators at Washington advocated separate and immediate secession.--Times, Jan. 7. Governor Hicks, of Maryland, published an address to the people of that State upon his refusal to convene the Legislature. It strongly opposes secession.--(Doc. 16.)