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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 15. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Paroles of the Army of Northern Virginia. (search)
Jas. F. Grattan, 1st Lt. and A. A. General, one horse. [6] Resp'y submitted, T. C. Jordan, Maj. Artillery. Roll of officers of Smith's Battalion Artillery. W. G. Dement, Captain Commanding Smith's Battalion Artillery. W. F. Sheild, Captain and A. Q. M. M. A. Moore, Asst. Surg. Smith's Battalion Artillery. Thomas Kevill, Capt. Commanding United Artillery, Va. Vols. Adam Baum, 2d Lt. United Artillery, Va. Vols. J. W. Drewry, Capt. Commanding Southside Artillery. Thos. Jarvis, 2d Lt. Southside Artillery. R. V. Braswell, 1st Lieut. Commanding Neblett's Artillery. T. R. Adams, 1st Lt. Commanding Johnston Artillery. J. W. Gilliam, 2d Lt. Johnston Artillery. Jno. Gale, 1st Lt. Commanding 1st Md. Artillery. Wm. J. Hill, 2nd Lieut. 1st Md. Artillery. J. H. Stonestreet, 2nd Lieut. 1st Md. Artillery. [13] List of men of Capt'n Jno. Donnell Smith's Co. (a), Huger's Artillery Battalion, 1st Corps. Capt. Jno. Donnell Smith, one horse. 1st Lieut
us competition, from the Finance Committee, was then taken up. Mr. Paxton objected to the bill. Mr. Claiborne offered a substitute. On motion of Mr. Paxton, the bill was ordered to be referred to the Committee on Roads, &c. The bill for the relief of John W. Murrill, of Lynchburg, was laid on the table. Bills Passed.--A bill providing for the payment of the expenses of a pedestal, and transporting and setting up a statue of Jefferson, and a bill for the relief of Thomas Jarvis, of Fairfax county. On motion, the Senate adjourned — yeas 20, nays 10. House of delegates. Thursday,Jan. 24th, 1861. The House was called to order at 12 o'clock M., by Mr. Chapman, of Monroe county. Prayer by Rev. J. B. Jeter, of the 3d Baptist Church. Bills Reported.--Bills were reported from committees, as follows: A bill imposing taxes for the support of Government; a bill to authorize the South- Side Railroad Company to build a branch road from Blacks an
General Assembly of Virginia.[extra session.]Senate. Wednesday, Jan. 16, 1861. The Senate was called to order at 12 o'clock. Prayer by Rev. Mr. Minnegerode, of St. Paul's Church. The following bills were reported: A bill for the relief of Benjamin and Isaac Deford, of Morgan county, a bill for the relief of Thomas Jarvis, of Fairfax county; a bill changing the time of holding the terms of the Circuit Courts of the counties of Hardy and Page, and a bill to amend the act passed March 14th, 1860, for the relief of Hugh Crolly and Patrick McCane. Bill Passed.--The bill providing compensation to jurors serving on inquests in the counties of New Kent, Charles City, James City, York, Warwick and Elizabeth City, and also the cities of Williamsburg and Norfolk, was passed. Resolutions of Inquiry.--The following resolutions of inquiry were presented and appropriately referred: By Mr. Nash, of amending the 54th section of chapter 85 of the Code of Virginia, respecti
Masonic. --The members of the Masonic fraternity at Drewry's Bluff have organized a Lodge (James River Lodge, No. 206). The communications of the Lodge are to be held on the fourth Saturday in every month. The following are the officers chosen: Wm. C. Morgan, W. M.; C. J. Creekmur, S. W.; Thos. Jarvis, J. W.; E. Albright, Secretary; S. C. Elliott, Treasurer; Lieut. Cameron, S. D.; Lieut. Gwynn, J. D.; J. H. Thomas, Tyler.