Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: June 20, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for JAs or search for JAs in all documents.

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t John J. Kimbrough, very slightly on the leg Lieut James. L Fisher, in the thigh; 1st Serg't W m H. H. Dumas, killed; 3d Serg't Ed W Nicholson, killed; 4th Serg't Jas N Callahan, wounded slightly on the leg; Corp'l John W Jones. slightly in the bead; James A Kimbrough, through the hip and thigh; privates H L Ages, wounded slighthe head; Thomas J Bouler, severely in the shoulder and hand; E S Davis, through the right lung; (doing well;) Chas B Farrington killed; John W Hall, wounded in leg; Jas B Holoman, slightly in the face; Geo W Higginbotham, in the leg; Wm A Hawkins, in the shoulder; Wm F Hayes, in the neck; O L Jones, seriously in thighs and both arms broken; F F. Kimbrough slightly in the arm; Nat Lyon, seriously through the shoulder; J Maness, through the hip; Jas L Marion, through the hand; L C McFarland. missing; Robert Pritchett, Jr. killed; F. M Pritchett. wounded slightly in the finger; A J Proctor, killed; Hamilton H Hawls, killed; Win L Stanberry, wounded in the leg
The Daily Dispatch: June 20, 1862., [Electronic resource], List of Deaths at Seabrook's Hispital to June 20th, 1862. (search)
E. 12th Ala. June 2.-- Capt J H Miller, Co. E. 23d N. C.; Lt W S Smith, Co. C. 6th Ala; -- Smith, 4th Va; P O'Brien, 12th Miss; R N Hurt, 28th Va; J Chilton, D W Chilton, 26th Va; D Walkerton; O R Carkle; Capt J H Barlow 12th Miss. June 3.-- Jas P Miser, 28th P Cumer, Co. G, 6th Ala; J M White, Co. D. 24th Va; J A Kirkland, Co. I. 11th Ala; W P Kimbrew, Co. L, 6th Ala; L G Morris, Co. H, 4th N C; A Baden, Co. A, 6th Ga; T T Atwood, Co. E, 12th Miss; D F Jenkins, Co A, 12th Ala; H H CotterC; Wm Williams, Co I, 12th Ala. June 13.-- Jos L Boyd, Co B, 2d Miss; J T Burns, Co D, 13th Ala; W H Stowe, Co H, 23d N C. June 17.--John T Mundy, Co A, 12th Ala; John A Gaston, Co A, 6th S C; C A Connelly, Co A, 5th Ala; Wm Renner, Co K, 2d Miss. June 18.-- Jas W Hall, Co K. 6th Ala; Jas Boon, Co A, 6th Ala; Thos O Bauner, Co A, 12th Miss. The foregoing are the names of all who have died in this hospital from the first of June to this date Wm. H. Coffin, Surgeon in Charge.