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Abraham Lincoln, Stephen A. Douglas, Debates of Lincoln and Douglas: Carefully Prepared by the Reporters of Each Party at the times of their Delivery., First joint debate, at Ottawa, August 21, 1858. (search)
extract from which I have read, says that this Government cannot endure permanently in the same condition in which it was made by its framers-divided into free and slave States. He says that it has existed for about seventy years thus divided, and yet he tells you that it cannot endure permanently on the same principles and in the same relative condition in which our fathers made it. Why can it not exist divided into free and slave States? Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, Madison, Hamilton, Jay, and the great men of that day, ,made this Government divided into free States and slave States, and left each State perfectly free to do as it pleased on the subject of slavery. Why can it not exist on the same principles on which our fathers made it? They knew when they framed the Constitution that in a country, as wide and broad as this, with such a variety of climate, production and interest the people necessarily required different laws and institutions in different localities. They k
Abraham Lincoln, Stephen A. Douglas, Debates of Lincoln and Douglas: Carefully Prepared by the Reporters of Each Party at the times of their Delivery., Fourth joint debate, at Charleston, September 18, 1858. (search)
en North in one great hostile party against all men South? Mr. Lincoln tells you, in his speech at Springfield that a house divided against itself cannot stand ; that this Government, divided into free and slave States, cannot endure permanently ; that they must either be all free or all slave; all one thing or all the other. Why cannot this Government endure divided into free and slave States, as our fathers made it? When this Government was established by Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Jay, Hamilton, Franklin, and the other sages and patriots of that day, it was composed of free States and slave States, bound together by one common Constitution. We have existed and prospered from that day to this thus divided, and have increased with a rapidity never before equaled in wealth, the extension of territory, and all the elements of power and greatness, until we have become the first nation on the face of the globe. Why can we not thus continue to prosper? We can if we will live u
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., The defense of Vicksburg. (search)
s 4th Louisiana and Thomas's 28th Louisiana. These regiments were soon followed by Marks's 27th Louisiana, De Clouet's 26th Louisiana, Richardson's 17th Louisiana, Morrison's 30th Louisiana, all infantry; and Beltzhoover's Louisiana regiment of artillery, and Ogden's Louisiana battalion of artillery. After these came Mellon's regiment and Balfour's battalion of Mississippi troops. The staff-officers were Major Devereux, Assistant Adjutant-General; Major Girault, Inspector-General; Lieutenant-Colonel Jay, Chief of Artillery; Captain McDonald, Chief of Ordnance, and Lieutenants Harrod and Frost, Aides-de-camp. These troops and officers constituted the garrison of Vicksburg from the beginning to the end of operations. The troops had but recently had a fearful baptism of fire in the fierce bombardment by Admiral Farragut of Forts Jackson and St. Philip, and the batteries of the Chalmette. They were already veterans, and many of them were skilled artillerists.--S. H. L. The first mili
H. Wager Halleck , A. M. , Lieut. of Engineers, U. S. Army ., Elements of Military Art and Science; or, Course of Instruction in Strategy, Fortification, Tactis of Battles &c., Embracing the Duties of Staff, Infantry, Cavalry, Artillery and Engineers. Adapted to the Use of Volunteers and Militia., Chapter 1: Introduction.—Dr. Wayland's arguments on the justifiableness of war briefly examined (search)
athers were not the less mindful of their duty to their God, because they also faithfully served their country. If we are called upon to excel them in works of charity, of benevolence, and of Christian virtue, let it not be said of us that we have forgotten the virtue of patriotism. For further discussion of this subject the reader is referred to Lieber's Political Ethics, Part II., book VII. chap. 3; Paley's Moral and Political Philosophy; Legare's Report of June 13, 1838, in the House of Representatives; Mackintosh's History of the Revolution of 1688, chap. x.; Bynkershock; Vatel; Puffendorf; Clausewitz; and most other writers on international law and the laws of war. Dr. Wayland's view of the question is advocated with much zeal by Dymond in his Inquiry into the Accordancy of War with the Principles of Christianity; Jay's Peace and War; Judd's Sermon on Peace and War; Peabody's Address, &c.; Coue's Tract on What is the Use of the Navy? Sumner's True Grandeur of Nations.
ally and absolutely renounced. The poor quibble of double allegiance must be disavowed. An American--and not a New Yorker, nor a Virginian — is the noble title by which we are to live, and which you, my young friends, must, in your respective spheres, contribute to make live, however it may cost in blood and money. Go forth, then. my young friends — go forth as citizens of the Great Continental American Republic — to which your first, your constant, your latest hopes in life should attach — and abating no jot of obedience to Municipal or State authority within the respective limits of each — bear yourselves always, and everywhere, as Americans — as fellow-countrymen of Adams, and Ellsworth, and Jay, and Jefferson, and Carroll, and Washington, and Pinckney — as heirs of the glories of Bunker Hill, and Saratoga, and Monmouth, and Yorktown, and Eutaw Springs, and New Orleans, and suffer no traitor hordes to despoil you, of such rich inheritance or so grand and gloriou
rts were weak, Or Southern courage cold, That shell and shot fell harming not A man on shore or hold. ”It was that all their ghosts who lived To love the realm they made, Came fleeting so athwart the fire, That shot and shell were stayed. Washington with his sad still face, Franklin with silver hair, Lincoln and Putnam, Allen, Gates, And gallant Wayne were there. ”With those who rose at Boston, At Philadelphia met; Whose grave eyes saw the Union's seal To their first charter set. Adams, and Jay, and Henry, Rutledge and Randolph, too-- And many a name their country's fame Hath sealed brave, wise, and true. ”An awful host — above the coast, About the fort, they bung; Sad faces pale, too proud to wail, But with sore anguish wrung. And Faith and Truth, and Love and Ruth, Hovered the battle o'er, Hind'ring the shot, that freight of death Between those brothers bore. ”And thus it happed, by God's good grace, And those good spirits' band, That Death forbore the leaguer'd place, The ba
f border fame, has offered six hundred of his well-known Jay-Hawkers, all bold riders and well mounted, to the Union cause; also, that other mounted regiments will shortly be organised. Good for K. T. Western Paper. From her borders far away, Kansas blows a trumpet call, Answered by the loud “hurrah!” Of her troopers, one and all. “Knife and pistol, sword and spur!” Cries K. T. “Let my troopers all concur To the old flag, no demur, Follow me!” Hence the song of jubilee, Platyphillis from the tree, High among the branches hid, Sings all night so merrily-- “K. T. did, She did — she did!” Thirty score Jay-Hawkers bold, Kansas men of strong renown, Rally round the banner old, Casting each his gauntlet down. “Good for Kansas,” one and all Cry to her; Riding to her trumpet call, Blithe as to a festival, All concur! Hence the revel and the glee, As the chanter from the tree, High among the branches hid, Sings all night so merrily-- “K. T. did! She did
f Bledsoe's artillery. Lieutenant Hastings, of the Seventeenth Tennessee regiment, was wounded at the bridge by the enemy's artillery. My command commenced crossing the Chickamauga about three o'clock P. M. Major-General Hood having appeared in the column, 1 reported to him, and submitted to him my orders just before passing the bridge, in person. Having crossed the Chickamauga, partly by the bridge and partly by the ford above the bridge, by four o'clock P. M., the command advanced to Jay's steam saw-mill, about one mile west of Reed's Bridge, where there are two roads leading to Alexander's Bridge. I ordered the formation to be preserved, and the line of battle, extending across the right hand or western road, to move forward. General Hood, however, here took command, and directed one regiment of Gregg's brigade to be marched in line of battle, extending across the left hand or eastern road, the other regiments of the command to be moved in the rear along that road in co
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 2. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 6.34 (search)
to take the crest? he asks, I understand not a man has advanced beyond the enemy's line which you occupied immediately after exploding the mine. Do you mean to say your officers and men will not obey your orders to advance? If not, what is the obstacle? I wish to know the truth, and desire an immediate answer. George G. Meade, Major-General. To which Burnside, in hot wrath, straight-way replied: headquarters Ninth corps, 7.35 A. M. General Meade: Your dispatch by Captain Jay received. The main body of General Potter's division is beyond the Crater. I do not mean to say that my officers and men will not obey my orders to advance. I mean to say that it is very hard to advance to the crest. I have never in any report said anything different from what I conceived to be the truth. Were it not insubordinate, I would say that the latter remark of your note was unofficerlike and ungentlemanly. A. E. Burnside, Major-General. Griffin, it is true, in obedien
nd open a covering fire from there when all was ready. Then the gun having fired some half a dozen shells, the Fifty-fourth, led most gallantly by Lieutenant Reed, charged across the dike in single file, receiving the enemy's fire, but causing their precipitate retirement. In this charge Corp. Wm. H. Brown, of Company K, always conspicuous for bravery, was the first enlisted man to gain the farther bank. We sustained the loss of Privates Scott, Freeman, and Green, of Company H; Johnson and Jay, of Company B; and McCullar, of Company K,—all wounded. This last fight of the Fifty-fourth, and also one of the very last of the war, was well managed by Lieutenant-Colonel Hooper, when less discretion would have resulted in a repulse and heavy loss. The charge was a plucky affair under exceptionally adverse conditions. Our total regimental loss that day was one officer killed, one enlisted man killed, one mortally wounded, and twelve wounded: a total of fifteen, the greatest number of