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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 26. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), War Diary of Capt. Robert Emory Park, Twelfth Alabama Regiment. January 28th, 1863January 27th, 1864. (search)
con, by Captains Bowie and Bilbro, and Lieutenants Larry, Dunlop and Wimberly, and the meeting adjourned to meet Monday at 3 o'clock. Jan. 31. Sunday. I am officer of the guard. One of the 26th Ala. is officer of the day, and is exceedingly verdant. Col. S. B. Pickens came in at night from furlough. Feb. 1. (Part here torn off.) The meeting was held pursuant to adjournment, the memorial adopted, and a committee appointed to get signatures to the petition and forward it to Hon. Robert Jemison, Jr., C. S. Senator, and Hon. W. P. Chilton, Representative from Ala., for presentation to the Confederate Congress. Feb. 2. Called at Dr. Terrell's, near Orange Court House, and met his pretty daughter, Mrs. Goodwin. At night received five letters and several Georgia and South Carolina papers. Feb. 3. Gus. Reid returned from absence at Lynchburg. Orders came at night to be ready to move to Hanover Junction at 6 o'clock. Battle's Ala. brigade left winter quarters at 6 1/2 o'cloc