Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: August 29, 1863., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Robert Jemison or search for Robert Jemison in all documents.

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The Daily Dispatch: August 29, 1863., [Electronic resource], The great Yankee railroad raid in Mississippi--how it was executed. (search)
ama Senator. --The Montgomery Advertiser, which appears to speak by the card, says of Hon. Robert Jemison, the newly-elected C. S. Senator from Alabama: In the party nomenclature of the post Mr. Jemison was a Whig and American, and those who know his sentiments best from long, intimate association say that he always adhered to his early faith as a State rights man. He had, however, becoention when taken as irrevocable and binding on every loyal citizen. From that day to this. Mr. Jemison has been firm and unfaltering in support of the war, and has rendered efficient assistance to hailed with satisfaction by the true patriots of the country. We feel authorized to say for Mr. Jemison that he is opposed to reconstruction on any terms, and that he will favor the most vigorous prosecution of the war until independence is achieved. In point of ability Mr. Jemison is marked as a man of strong practical sense, and his influence in this respect will be felt in any assembly wit