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George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 7, 4th edition. 6 0 Browse Search
George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 10 2 0 Browse Search
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t the Americans, than to encourage the friends of government. In the house of commons, the various petitions in behalf of America, including those from London and Bristol, were consigned to a committee of oblivion, and ridiculed as already dead in law. Hayley, of London, rebuked the levity of the house. The rejection of the petitions of the trading interests, said he, on the twenty-sixth of January, must drive on a civil war with America. The Americans, argued Chap. XX.} 1775. Jan. Jenkinson, ought to submit to every act of the English legislature. England, said Burke, is like the archer that saw his own child in the hands of the adversary, against whom he was going to draw his bow. Fox charged upon North, that the country was on the point of being involved in a civil war by his incapacity. North complained: The gentleman blames all my administration; yet he defended and supported much of it; nor do I know how I have deserved his reproaches. I can tell the noble lord how,
inconsiderate zeal to con- 12. demn the minister. Welbore Ellis, and others, particularly young Acland, angry at his manifest repugnance to cruelty, declared against him loudly and roughly. Whether any colony will come in on these terms I know not, said Lord North; but it is just and humane to give them the option. If one consents, a link of the great chain is broken. If not, it will convince men of justice and humanity at home, that in America they mean to throw off all dependence. Jenkinson reminded the house, that Lord North stood on ground chosen by Grenville; but the Bedford party none the less threatened to vote against the minister, till Sir Gilbert Elliot, the well known friend of the king, brought to his aid the royal influence, and secured for the motion a large majority. Lord North must have fallen, but for the active interposition of the king. Yet the conciliation which he offered, could not lead to an agreement, for no confidence could be placed in its author,
nscious of our situation, and glow with zeal to fill our places as becomes our station and ourselves, we ought to auspicate all our public proceedings on America, with the old warning of the church, lift up your hearts! We ought to elevate our minds to the greatness of that trust to which the order of Providence has called us. By adverting to the dignity of this high calling, our ancestors have turned a savage wilderness into a glorious empire; and have made the most extensive, and the only honorable conquests, not by destroying, but by promoting the wealth, the number, the happiness of the human Chap. XXIV.} 1775. Mar. 22. race. For three hours, Burke was heard with attention; but after a reply by Jenkinson, his deep wisdom was scoffed away by a vote of more than three to one. It was the moment of greatest depression to the friends of liberty in England; their efforts in parliament only exposed their want of power. Ministers anticipated as little resistance in the colonies.
t the man who should approve the taxing of them in connection with all its consequences was more fit for a madhouse than for a seat in parliament. On the twenty-first of June he summoned his min- June 21. isters to his library, On this interview of the king with his ministers, the authorities are: Maltzan to Frederic, 29 June, 1779; King to Lord North, 21 and 22 June, 1779; in Donne, II. 260, 262; Under-Secretary Knox, Considerations on the Present State of the Nation, 53; Letter to Jenkinson, 9, 10; Almon's Anecdotes, II. 102. and, at a table at which all were seated, he expressed to them in a speech of an hour and a half the dictates of his frequent and severe self-examination. Inviting the friends of Grenville to the support of the administration, he declared his unchanging resolution to carry on the war against America, France, and Spain. Before he would hear of any man's readiness to come into office, he would expect to see it signed under his hand, that he was resolved