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ner, responsible for every measure connected with the finances; and though he was himself a feeble man of business, yet his defects were in a measure supplied by Jenkinson, his able, indefatigable and confidential private secretary.—There was Mansfield, Lord Campbell's Lives of the Chief Justices, II. 459-460. the illustrious jof Grenville's, yet says, in a note to his Memoirs of Geo. III. III. 32, that the stamp act was a measure of Bute's ministry, at the suggestion of his secretary, Jenkinson, who afterwards brought it into the treasury for Grenville's adoption. Bute personally, as we know from Knox, wished to bring the colonies into order; but as every body about him wished the same, he probably thought not much about tile matter, but left it to others, and especially to Charles Townshend. Finally, Jenkinson himself, in the debate in the House of Commons of 15th May, 1777, condemned the tea act as impolitic, &c., &c. Then, turning to the stamp act, he said that measure was
s office, the new minister inherited also the services of his efficient private secretary, Charles Jenkinson, who now became the principal Secretary of the Treasury. He was a man of rare ability. ATownshend had counselled with dangerous rashness, and which George Grenville in part resisted, Jenkinson was always ready to carry forward with tranquil collectedness. The king wished to see Townsca. It was not the wish of this man or that man; Speech of Cornwall, brother-in-law of Charles Jenkinson, in the House of Commons, in Cavendish Debates, i. 91. each house of parliament, and nearler of CHAP. VI.} 1763. May. Pitt. While his report was waited for, Grenville, through Charles Jenkinson, C. Jenkinson to Sir Jeffery Amherst, 11 May, 1763. Treasury Letter Book, XXII. 392. bC. Jenkinson to Sir Jeffery Amherst, 11 May, 1763. Treasury Letter Book, XXII. 392. began his system of saving, by an order to the Commander-in-Chief of the Forces in America, now that the peace was made, to withdraw the allowance for victualling the regiments Weyman's New-York Gaz
nal expense of its military establishment, it belonged to Jenkinson, the principal Secretary of the Treasury, from the natureo Grenville Papers, by their editor, II. 373, and compare Jenkinson to Grenville, 2 July, 1764. Grenville would have esteemedth seats in the council for his son and nephew, furnished Jenkinson with a brief state of the taxes usually raised in the old if extended to the West Indies. Henry McCulloh to Charles Jenkinson, Turnham Green, 5 July, 1763, in a note of the editord his associates. At the time of his correspondence with Jenkinson, in 1763, He appears to have been a crown officer, probabry McCulloh was volunteered or prepared at the request of Jenkinson. Wm. Knox, Extra Official Papers: The newly appointeds majesty's subjects in America and the West Indies. C. Jenkinson to the Commissioners of Stamps. Letter Book, XXII. p. y's Subjects in America and the West Indies. I am, &c. C. Jenkinson.—23 Sept. 1763. Who was the author of the American
of the crown officers in the colonies, directly from England, in accordance with the system which he had been maturing since 1748, Grenville would not consent to it; and though Halifax, at a formal interview with him, at which Hillsborough and Jenkinson were present, became extremely heated and eager, Grenville's Diary for Friday, 6 January, 1764, in Grenville Papers, i. 48. Grenville remained inflexible. Nor would he listen to the suggestion, that the revenue to be raised in America shocontrovert that right. Upon a solemn question, asked in a full house, Cavendish, i. 494. there was not one negative. As we are stout, said Beckford, I hope we shall be merciful; and no other made a reply. On the fourteenth of March, Charles Jenkinson, Journal 8 of Commons, XXIX. 949, 978, 987, 1015, &c. from a committee, on which he had for his associates, Grenville and Lord North, reported a bill modifying and perpetuating the act of 1733, with some changes to the disadvantage of th
Chapter 10: How America received the plan of a Stamp tax.—Grenville's administration continued. April—December, 1764. No sooner was parliament up, than Jenkinson pressed chap. X.} 1764. April. on Grenville to forward the American stamp-act, by seeking that further information, the want of which he had assigned as a reason for not going on with it. But the treasury had no mode of direct communication with the colonies, and the Secretary of State had no mind to consult them. For the moment nothing was done, though Jackson wrote to Hutchinson of Massachusetts for his opinion on the rights of the colonists and the late proceedings respecting them. Meantime the officers of France, as they made their last journey through Canada, and down the valley of the Mississippi, as they gazed on the magnificence of the country, and on every side received the expressions of passionate attachment from the many tribes of red men, cast a wistful and lingering look upon the empire which th
duties.. In executing the Stamp Act, it was further provided, that the revenue to be derived from it should not be remitted to England, but constitute a part of the sum to be expended in America. Franklin to Dean Tucker, 26 Feb. 1774. Tucker to Franklin. Grenville also resolved to select the stamp officers for America from among the Americans themselves; and the friends and agents of the colonies were invited to make the nominations; and they did so, Franklin Geo. III. c. XLV. C. Jenkinson to Secretary Pownall, 19 March, 1765. among the rest. You tell me, said the minister, you are poor, and unable to bear the tax; others tell me you are able. Now, take the business into your own hands; you will see how and where it pinches, and will certainly let us know it; in which case it shall be eased. Ingersoll to Assembly of Connecticut, Sept. 1765. Every agent in England believed the stamp tax chap. XI.} 1765. April. would be peacefully levied. Grenville's Speech, 5 Ma
t to him the masterly essay of John Adams on the canon and feudal law. He read it, and pronounced it indeed masterly. The papers which had been agreed upon by the American Congress had been received by De Berdt, the agent for Massachusetts. Conway did not scruple to present its petition to the king, and George Cooke, the member for Middlesex, was so pleased with that to the Commons, that on Monday, the twenty-seventh of January, he offered it to the house, where he read it twice over. Jenkinson opposed receiving it, as did Nugent and Welbore Ellis. The American Con- chap. XXI.} 1766 Jan. gress at New-York, they argued, was a federal union, assembled without any requisition on the part of the supreme power. By receiving a petition from persons so unconstitutionally assembled, the house would give countenance to a measure pregnant with danger to his majesty's authority and government. The petition, said Pitt, is innocent, dutiful, and respectful; I see no defect in it, excep
fighting men. If they did not repeal the act, France and Spain would declare war, and protect the Americans. The colonies, too, would set up manufactories of their own. Why then risk the whole for so trifling an object as this act modified? Jenkinson, on the other side, moved, instead of the repeal, a modification of the Stamp Act; insisting that the total repeal, demanded as it was with menaces of resistance, would be the overthrow of British authority in America. In reply to Jenkinson, EJenkinson, Edmund Burke spoke in a manner unusual in the house; fresh, as from a full mind, connecting the argument for repeal with a new kind of political philosophy. About eleven, Pitt rose. With suavity of manner he conciliated the wavering by allowing good ground for their apprehensions; but calmly, and with consummate and persuasive address, De Guerchy, 23 Feb. he argued for the repeal, with eloquence which expressed conviction, and which yet could not have offended even the sensitive self-lov