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The Daily Dispatch: February 15, 1861., [Electronic resource] 10 0 Browse Search
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unty, nominated James R. Fisher, of Richmond city. Mr. Johnson, of Richmond, nominated Samuel H. Jeter, of that city. Mr. Carlile, of Harrison, nominated Chas. Lewis, of that county. Mer nominations being made, the vote was taken with the following result: Linkous, 45; Lewis, 29; Jeter, 26. All others 35. There being no election, the rules were suspended, on motion, and a re but the three highest candidates. The names of the three highest were then announced: Samuel H. Jeter, Chas. Lewis and Benj. R. Linkous — and the second ballot resulted: Linkous, 60; Jeter, 39;Jeter, 39; Lewis, 26.--No election. Mr. Montague moved that the Convention adjourn, but withdrew the motion. Mr. Jackson, of Wood, moved that the rules be suspended, in order to allow gentlemen to checeived a majority, and was therefore elected First Doorkeeper. Mr. Tredway moved that Samuel H. Jeter be appointed Second Doorkeeper. Mr. Speed thought such a course would not be entirely