Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: October 26, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Andy Johnson or search for Andy Johnson in all documents.

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reated so roughly. These papers are: First, the protest against Andy Johnson's proclamation taking entire charge of the polls; second, a copy of Johnson's proclamation; and lastly, extracts from the laws of Tennessee showing the rights!! of voters in that State. The petitioners whnt moment nothing whatever upon the subject has passed between Governor Johnson or any one else connected with the proclamation and myself.--S the matter, either to sustain the plan, as the Convention and Governor Johnson have initiated it, or to revoke or modify it, as you demand. e matter. The movement set on foot by the Convention and Governor Johnson does not, as seems to be assumed by you, emanate from the Natin the plan any menace of violence or coercion towards any one. Governor Johnson, like any other loyal citizen of Tennessee, has the right to fas you please on your own account, peacefully and loyally, and Governor Johnson will not molest you, but will protect you against violence so
Affairs in Georgia. The latest intelligence from General Hood, from Confederate sources, we find in a letter dated at Jacksonville, Alabama, the 17th, and published in the Montgomery Advertiser. It says: General Hood invested Dalton on last Thursday, and at once sent in a flag of truce and demanded its surrender. Colonel Johnson, the Federal commander, came in person to see our general. "Will you," said the colonel, "treat the garrison as prisoners of war if I surrender"? "No, sir." "Will you parole it"? "No, sir; I will allow you five minutes to surrender, and if not complied with I will put the garrison to the sword." The colonel observed that the terms were hard, but that he would surrender, which was at once done. The prisoners captured were as follows: eight hundred negroes in full Yankee uniform, two hundred and fifty white soldiers, one battery of six guns, (field artillery,) and eighty cavalry, together with several guns, (mounted in the forts,) a large quantity
ed. A letter to the Montgomery Appeal says: This so successfully accomplished, General Forrest followed the railroad in the direction of Pulaski, destroying as he progressed. When within three miles of that place, he was met by General Rousseau, with a heavy force of infantry and cavalry, when a severe and stubborn fight occurred. But he succeeded in driving the enemy within his fortifications, not, however, without losing some hundred and fifty men in killed and wounded. Here Colonel Johnson, of Roddy's command was severely wounded. Finding here a large number of negro women and children in cabins on the outside of town, he destroyed their cabins, after having them remove their plunder. During the night he made a demonstration as if preparing to attack them in the morning; but this he used for the purpose of deceiving the enemy. During the darkness and noise he run his train around the town, and next morning found him on General Rousseau's rear and on the railroad.