Browsing named entities in Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones). You can also browse the collection for B. T. Johnson or search for B. T. Johnson in all documents.

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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Memoir of the First Maryland regiment. (search)
d out as cherrily as ever. Before day, Colonel Johnson received General Ewell's order--bring youhe Valley turnpike. General Ewell ordered Colonel Johnson to deploy as skirmishers on the left of tson's skirmishers was heard on the left. Colonel Johnson reported the fact and asked for orders, ba sudden termination of the battle. Here Colonel Johnson received five swords from surrendered off Bolivar Heights. General Steuart ordered Colonel Johnson to drive them off, but, as he was about a which we found was just in front, and on Colonel Johnson's reporting to General Winder for orders,, who had just been made a General, asked Colonel Johnson to protect a battery with which he was drell, who was just by us--charge men, said Colonel Johnson, and down the hill we went with a cheer, carried them safely through the fight. Colonel Johnson had been that afternoon to see General Jaing prisoners, of whom there were very few. Dr. Johnson, the surgeon of the First Maryland, the nex[1 more...]