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. E. Johnston. Telegram. on Railroad from Greensboroa, April 1st, 1865. Lieut.-Genl. S. D. Lee, or Brig.-Genl. B. T. Johnson, Salisbury, N. C.: Should you have three thousand men and two batteries for defence of Salisbury and Yadkiniver either to Yadkin bridge (railroad) or Salisbury? Would it not be well to send, say five hundred men, under General B. T. Johnson, who is still here, to Salisbury? Jno. M. Otey. Genl. Beauregard. Order General Johnson to repair fGeneral Johnson to repair forthwith to Salisbury. I am surprised at his delay. Send five hundred men with him by cars to break, and five hundred more soon as practicable after. Order trains from Salisbury to meet troops across the break. G. T. Beauregard. Yadkid be well guarded on both sides—especially on south side now. G. T. Beauregard. Inform Generals Ferguson and Johnson of enclosed news. G. T. Beauregard. Telegram. Headquarters, Greensboroa, N. C., April 12th, 1865. The a