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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 13. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Official reports of the battle of Gettysburg. (search)
Official reports of the battle of Gettysburg. [Our publication of reports of the battle of Gettysburg, in previous volumes, has been so full as to leave very little to add. But we append the following from unpublished Mss. in our archives in order that our record of this great campaign may be complete:] report of Colonel B. T. Johnson, of J. M. Jones's brigade. headquarters J. M. Jones's brigade, Camp Montpelier, August 15, 1863. Lieutenant R. W. Hunter, A. A. A. General, Johnson's Division. Lieutenant,—I have the honor herewith to forward reports of regimental and brigade commanders of the operations about Gettysburg on the 2d and 3d ult. I have caused Captain Cleary, Assistant Adjutant-General of brigade at the time, to make a statement furnishing a connected account of the whole action of the brigade during the engagements, which is herewith forwarded. I was assigned to this command on the 4th of July and found it lying in line of battle along the ridge of hills west o
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 13. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The Kilpatrick-Dahlgren raid against Richmond. (search)
n of any kind. I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant, Fitzhugh Lee. memoranda of Dahlgren, as published in the Richmond Examiner, April 1, 1864, and referred to in preceding note of General Lee. Pleasonton will govern details. Will have details from other commands, (four thousand). Michigan men have started. Colonel I. H. Devereux has torpedoes. Hanover Junction (B. T. Johnson). Maryland Line. (Here follows a statement of the composition and numbers of Johnson's Command.) Chapin's Farm—seven miles below Richmond. One brigade (Hunton's relieved Wise sent to Charleston). River can be forded half a mile above the city. No works on south side. Hospitals near them. River fordable. Canal can be crossed. Fifty men to remain on north bank, and keep in communication if possible. To destroy mills, canal, and burn everything of value to the rebels. Seize any large ferry boats, and note all crossings, in case we have to return that way. Ke