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Brig.-Gen. Bradley T. Johnson, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 2.1, Maryland (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 209 15 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 192 14 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 29. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 128 36 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 9. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 99 11 Browse Search
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A. 85 3 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 2. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 57 3 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 30. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 52 2 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 9. (ed. Frank Moore) 45 13 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2. 43 13 Browse Search
Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 2 36 4 Browse Search
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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 30. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Shall Cromwell have a statue? (search)
perplex and divide historians now. Legally, technically—the moral and humanitarian aspects of the issue wholly apart—which side had the best of the argument as to the rights and the wrongs of the case in the great debate which led up to the Civil War? Before entering, however, on this well-worn—I might say, this threadbare—theme, as I find myself compelled in briefest way to do, there is one preliminary very essential to be gone through with—a species of moral purgation. Bearing in mind Dr. Johnson's advice to Boswell, on a certain memorable occasion, we should at least try to clear our minds of cant. Many years ago, but only shortly before his death, Richard Cobden said in one of his truth-telling deliverances to his Rochdale constituents—I really believe I might be Prime Minister. If I would get up and say you are the greatest, the wisest, the best, the happiest people in the world, and keep on repeating that, I don't doubt but what I might be Prime Minister. I have seen P
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 30. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The last tragedy of the war. [from the New Orleans, La., Picayune, January 18, 1903.] (search)
s aid in saving the boy's life. Judge Stallo in turn sought Judge W. M. Dickson and beseeched his interference. Meanwhile General Hooker had left the city to attend the funeral of Mr. Lincoln at Springfield, Ill., and the day set for the murder was near at hand. General Hooker could not be reached, so it was decided by General Willich and his friends to appeal to the President. They sent a telegram to a prominent man in Washington, urging him to go at once and lay the matter before Mr. Johnson, requesting him to pardon the boy. To this there was no reply, and no relief came. Preparations were made for the execution, and when the day arrived Tom Martin was carefully dressed in a nice suit of clothing, provided by General Willich, and after being bound hand and foot, was placed in a wagon, which was guarded by a company of cavalry, and started for the place of execution. It was a mournful procession. The men detailed to guard the boy had been accustomed to see him daily
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 30. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.19 (search)
s had regathered their estray, but unshattered regiments, and stood ready once more to test the powers of the foe. Thomas still held the left with Palmer's and Johnson's Divisions attached to his corps and thrown in his center. Brannan was retired slightly, his regiments arrayed in echelon. Van Cleve was placed on the west sidhave been heard above the din of that fearful noon, but it could hardly have sensibly increased the crushing volume of sound. Brannan, Baird, Negley, Reynolds, Johnson, and Palmer were engaged in deadly conflict. They had repulsed the great charge of the day, but at heavy cost. The enemy had plenty of reserve, and massed them r caissons trot out briskly and take up the hill obliquely, hurriedly, it is true, but not panic-stricken. I gallop over and ask the name of the battery. One of Johnson's is the reply, and that is all that is left. Once more the stream abated. A thousand men, perhaps, had left the field. A brigade whipped, only, I argued; n
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 30. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.23 (search)
in twelve hours. They could have transported General Grant's whole army from the James to the Federal capital before General Early could possibly have marched from where he was forced to cross the Potomac. In this possibility lay the strength and weakness of the strategy. Had Grant been so inclined he could have withdrawn his whole force, or such part of it as to have paralyzed his movements on the James, and the threat to Washington would make him contemplate the necessity of such a move. If Early's movement had induced him so to act, Lee would have been relieved, and the South allowed another year for a breathing spell. If it did not so influence him, we were no worse off than when the attempt was made. I have always considered the movement one the audacity of which was its safety, and no higher military skill was displayed on either side, than that shown by General Early in this daring attempt to surprise the capital of his enemy with so small a force. Bradley T. Johnson.
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 30. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.26 (search)
to a position along the hills. Hardee took position between Chaplin and Doctor's creek, with Johnson and Cleburne, near the obtuse angle in the Federal line, which was the center of the fight. Ad is crossed by the Mackville road at the obtuse angle of the Federal line. Confronting him are Johnson and Cleburne, of Buckner's Division, with Brown and Johnson, of Buckner, and Wood, of Anderson'Johnson, of Buckner, and Wood, of Anderson's Division, to the right, close up to Cheatham's left. The skirmishing is over; the battle begins in earnest from left to right. The line of fire is about the strong position in the center and extes, which they did. Hardee states: By this time Cheatham being hotly engaged, the brigades of Johnson and Cleburne attacked the angle of the enemy's line with great impetuosity near the burnt barn, left of Cheatham. Simultaneously the brigades of Adams and Powell on the left of Cleburne and Johnson assailed the enemy in front, while Adams, diverging to the right, united with Buckner's left.
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 30. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Johnson's Island. (search)
d, despite the persistent efforts of his friends, was executed on Governor's Island, February 24, 1865. In his farewell letter to his brother, he wrote: Remember me kindly to my friends. Say to them that I am not aware of committing any crime against society. I die for my country. No thirst for blood nor lucre animated me in my course. Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord, and I will repay. Therefore, show no unkindness to the prisoners; they are helpless. Cole was betrayed by a Colonel Johnson, of Kentucky, who afterward so suffered from remorse that he cut his throat in the barracks at Cincinnati while being held as a Federal witness. After being tried and convicted of the charge of piracy and of being a spy, Cole was sentenced to be hanged on Johnson's Island, February 16, 1865. He was subsequently moved to Fort Lafayette, and in the mean time public feeling had greatly softened toward him. General M. D. Leggett, afterward Commissioner of Patents, two of the ladies who w
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 30. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Refused to burn it. [from the Richmond, Va., Dispatch, April 27, 1902.] (search)
, Colonel Peters sought an interview with General Johnson and inquired of the latter if he had corrcity. Would Sooner break his sword. General Johnson replied that Colonel Peters had correctlye order. Colonel Peters then remarked to General Johnson that he would not obey the order—that he Chambersburg. He was then directed by General Johnson to collect his men and withdraw them fromlved not to obey it, and had so stated to General Johnson. Placed under arrest. Colonel Peteror rather defiance, of the orders of Brigadier-General Johnson, but the arrest was broken the same ommanding officer of the expedition, Brigadier-General Johnson obeying his orders. Next morning before day Averill surprised Johnson's picket on the Romney road, captured the reserve, then rode over the camps of the two Maryland Battalions. Johnson just escaped capture, and endeavored to rally ath him and the mountains falling on him. Johnson set him to hold Averill, while he brought the[1 more...]
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 30. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.30 (search)
Carolina) regiments came into action late, but did most effective service in the pursuit, which continued nearly to Centreville. General E. K. Smith's brigade reached Manassas during the battle and rushed to the field, a distance of seven miles, through the broiling sun at a double quick. As they neared the field from a doulle-quick they got fairly to running, their eyes flashing, the officers crying out: On, boys; to the rescue! and the men shouted at the top of their voices. When General Johnson saw Smith he exclaimed: The Blucher of the day has come. They soon arrived in front of the enemy, and with a shout that might be heard from one end of the battle-field to the other they launched at the adversary like a thunderbolt. They delivered but two fires, when the enemy began to give way, and in a few minutes they began to give way and were in full retreat. The brigade is composed of one Tennessee and one Mississippi regiment and a battalion from Maryland. As they rushed into
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 30. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The campaign and battle of Lynchburg. (search)
of the troops, and published an order in which he says he regrets to learn of so many acts committed by our troops that are disgraceful to the command. Hunter knew all this, but there was no word of protest or repression from him. It is to be regretted that later in this campaign, when we carried the war across the Potomac, some of our troops retaliated for these brutal acts upon innocent parties. That Hunter had set the example was no good excuse, though it was plead. (See General Bradley T. Johnson's Report, 90 War of Rebellion, 7.) General Early has been severely criticised for permitting the escape of Hunter. It is always much easier to criticise than to accomplish; to point out how a thing should have been done, after we know the result of what was done, than to do it at the time. The facts heretofore stated can leave no doubt that all was done, as far as the prompt pursuit of Hunter is concerned, which could have been done. Early's line of defence, owing to the smal
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 30. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Appendix. (search)
m H. Bailey, James H. Benson, Henry G. Beckwith, Henry C. Akers, William L. Bailey, James W. Brown, Leslie C. Burroughs, Henry A. Ballard, James F. Cheatham, Thomas F. Cooney, Thomas. Crumpton, James A. Clinkenbeard, William E. Connolly, Jerry M. Diuguid, Edward S. Delano, Joseph S. Evans, William H. Elam, H. F. Fulks, James W. Furry, William H. Henry, Charles W. Harvey, Charles C. Hollins, James E. Hersman, William B. Johnson, Shelbry. Jones, Charles J. Kidd, George W. Linkenhoker, Samuel. Mitchell, T. Holcomb. Mitchell, William H. McCrary, William B. Milstead, William. Norris, Michael A. Omohundro, T. A. Pendleton, William. Parrish, Booker S. Peters, John I. Raine, John R. Rainey, Charles W. Rock, John J. Sims, Robert F. Stubbs, Robert F. Slagle, John H. Sholes, Thomas C. Stabler, Thomas S. Tyree, Charles H. Thurman, Powhatan. Truxall, Andrew