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The Daily Dispatch: January 18, 1862., [Electronic resource] 10 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: January 18, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Milly Johnson or search for Milly Johnson in all documents.

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and placed on the calendar. Mr. Douglas, from the Committee on Military Affairs, presented a report, asking to be discharged from the further consideration of a resolution relative to the more equitable apportionment of pay between the officers and privates of volunteer companies, on the ground that the subject was one within the control of the Confederate Government--The report was concurred in. Resolution of inquiry. The following resolution of inquiry was adopted: By Mr. Johnson--Of providing for the connection of the Richmond and Danville and Richmond and York River Railroads through the city of Richmond. Bills passed. A bill to amend section 11 of Chapter 163 of the Code, in relation to the removal of the papers and records of Courts, &c. Bill exempting from taxation the seal of Courts attached to papers or records for the recovery of the wages or other dues of deceased soldiers, and to refund the tax heretofore paid. A bill providing for the
Army Confirmations. The following appointments of Brigadier Generals have been confirmed by Congress: Henry Heth, of Virginia, to take rank from January 6th. Johnson K Duncan, of Louisiana, to take rank from January 7th. S. A. M. Wood of Alabama, to take rank from January 7th.
From the North. arrival of released prisoners.--more Resignations, &c. [Special Dispatch to Richmond Dispatch.] Norfolk, Jan. 17.--Drs. Jeffry, Page, and Lindsay, formerly of the United States Navy; Colonel Pegram; Captains Johnson and Sutton; Adjutant Pool; and Lieutenant is Lassell and Ball, or the North Carolina Seventh Regiment, who have been imprisoned in Fort Warren, arrived here this evening, under a flag of truce, from Fortress Monroe. They state that it was currently reported and believed in Baltimore, when they passed through that city, that Welles, the Secretary of the Navy, and Smith, Secretary of the Interior, had resigned. Expectations were high at the North relative to the success of the Burnside Expedition. A French steamer is reported to have arrived in Hampton Roads. F.
Morgan's scouts burnt a mill within a quarter of a mile of the Federal lines on Green river. It was used for the purpose of grinding corn and wheat for the enemy. It is thought that all public houses between Glasgow Junction and Rowlett's will be destroyed, and the railroad, and turnpike between these points will be rendered impassions for artillery without an immense amount of labor. The St. Louis Republican, of the 11th inst., has a dispatch from Washington announcing that Senators Johnson and Polk, of Missouri, have been expelled from the Federal Senate, by a unanimous vote. A special to the St. Louis Republican, from Cairo on the 9th inst, says that the great expedition will be ready to start to-morrow. The fleet, it is understood, will ascend the Tennessee river some distance; but its final destination is not known. Another dispatch; dated Cairo, 10th inst., says several steamers, conveying part of the troops forming the present expedition, left this afterno
Runaway. --A liberal reward will be paid for the delivery of a Negro Man named Milly Johnson, belonging to Mrs. Sarah A. Forloine, of Chesterfield Co. Va. The said negro is about 22 years old, singer-bread color, thick lips large eyes, and bushy head of hair, and speaks quick when spoken to. It is said he hired himself to a Texan officer in Gen Wigfall's Brigade, on the Potomac, about the 6th December, 1862. Any information concerning said negro well be thankfully received. Address D. A Brown. ja 17--3t* Richmond, Va.