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seize all the strong points of military science, and can tell us off-hand how a battle ought to be fought, a town defended, a fortress besieged, or a campaign conducted. If the cause is lost, it will be because the counsels of these wonderful strategists are not regarded, and General Lee fails to commence a correspondence with them and ascertain their views. The criticisms, at the street corners, of the various military leaders are highly instructive and edifying. Lee, Beauregard and Johnson are not aware of that skillful and thorough analysis of their respective and relative claims to popular favor which may be any day heard at the lamp posts. A Directory, self-constituted it is true, but none the less modest and intelligent on that account, holds its daily sessions at the street corners of the Capital, and settles the merit and the fate of every General of the Republic. The Directory at Paris used to take off the heads of unsuccessful officers. The Directory at Richmond si
Confederate Congress. Senate. Wednesday, February 15, 1865. Prayer by the Rev. Robert Gatewood, of the Episcopal Church. Mr. Johnson, of Georgia, presented resolutions passed by Thomas's brigade. Read and ordered to be printed. Mr. Semmes, of Louisiana, offered a joint resolution of thanks to the Louisiana Washington Artillery. Referred to the Military Committee. Senate bill to regulate the compensation of the civil employees of the departments in Richmond was taken up, and, on motion, by Mr. Vest, its further consideration was postponed till to-day, and the various amendments thereto by the House of Representatives and the Senate Military Committee were ordered to be printed. Senate bill to provide that paymasters in the navy, after three years service, shall receive, while on duty, $1,900; on leave or awaiting orders, $1,200; after two years service, on duty, $1,700; on leave or awaiting orders, $1,100; all others, on duty, $1,500; on leave or awaiti
ure. [Extra Session.] Senate. Wednesday, February 15, 1865. At 11 o'clock the Senate met and was called to order. Prayer by Rev. Dr. Peterkin. The bill to supply fuel for the city of Richmond was taken up, and afterwards, on motion of Mr. Nash, was laid on the table. The bill to amend the act passed March 24, 1863, so as to increase the fees of clerks of county and corporation courts ten the amount existing previous to the war, was taken up, discussed by Messrs. Hart, Johnson, Coghill and Nash, and passed. The bill to amend the forty-sixth section of chapter eighty-five of the Code, so as to increase the allowances of officers having charge of lunatics, was taken up and passed. On motion of Mr. Newton, the vote taken on yesterday, fixing the time of holding the elections for members of the Virginia Legislature and Congress, was reconsidered, in order to permit him to make a motion to change the time of holding the election for members of Congress to th