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est of the grades we have enumerated, however, are represented in the Confederate army. We suppose the full General in the Confederate service corresponds with the Field-Marshal of France, the Lieutenant-General in the Federal service, and the rank usually held by commanders of divisions operating independently in the field, in all the European services. There are five full Generals in the Confederate army, whose relative rank, as among themselves, is as follows: 1. S. Cooper; 2. A. Sydney Johnston; 3. Robert E. Lee; 4. Joseph E. Johnston; 5. G. T. Beauregard.--What principles governed the President in thus arranging the relative rank of these officers, we cannot undertake to explain. We believe that the Confederate Congress sanctioned the schedule, and what the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Congress, has done, let no man question. We will only say, that if we had had the arrangement of relative rank among these Generals, the gradation would have been ver