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ps. Action is the panacea for an army; indolence in its bane. If it keep in motion, the minds of the soldiers are always occupied, and their physical powers brought into play. If it keep to its encampments, the monotonous routine of duties soon wears down the spirits of the soldiers; physical exertion is almost wholly suspended, mind and body becomes relaxed, and dissase then steps in to do us tenfold more harm than would a dozen pitched battles. The announcement to the troops by either Johnston or Beauregard, that active operations were about to be commenced, would, like magic, out down our lists of sick, and infuse fresh vigor into the frames of those who have just emerged from the hospitals. But this announcement, from present appearances, is far in the distance. Once in a while Beauregard tosses a hope to us. Not long since he told the Marylanders that he intended, with his own hands, to plant the battle flag of their regiment upon the Battle monument in Baltimore city. His
, cuts off the communication between Memphis and Bowling Green, from which the latter is depencent for its supplies, and isolates Columbus from Bowling Green; so that for all military purposes communication is cut off between the rebels-at these points. No doubt the Federal force will push on until they reach the Nashville and Memphis Railroad, near Camden, Tenn.--This point, once in our possession, will cut off Hickman and Memphis from Nashville. This accomplished, then good-bye to Gens, Johnston, Beauregard, Buckner, and the rebel host. There will be no necessity then to attack Columbus or Bowling Green.--Starvation will do the work. The New Orleans Delta, in a late edition, says:" The safety of the whole South depends on the result of the battle at Columbus. This place once taken, there can be no effectual resistance at other points." In military philosophy a position turned and besieged is equal to a place captured. Hence, according to the New Orleans Delta, the safety of the
the Legion, were enlisted here after the commencement of the war; Capt. Hiram B, Dickinson of the former, and Capt. Gus. Wallace, of the latter, reported captured by the enemy, are well known citizens of Richmond. Lieut. Miller, of the Jackson Guard, is said to be mortally wounded. Major Hugh W. Fry, who is among the prisoners, has many friends here, who regret his misfortune, but who are proud to believe that he sustained himself gallantly in the fight, and the same remark applies to Frank Johnston, of the Blues, as brave a young man as ever shouldered a musket. The telegraph informs us that our killed and wounded amounts to 300, while that of the enemy reaches 1,000. The reader will find some further particulars of the affair in our Norfolk letters, from which it appears that the infamous scoundrels have shelled and burnt the pleasant little town of Elizabeth City, and are threatening Edenton. Their operations in that quarter, however, will be limited, and instead of depres
The Daily Dispatch: February 11, 1862., [Electronic resource], Re-enlistment of volunteers.--no Coorcien. (search)
Gen. Johnston's address to the army of the Potomac--Elequent appeal to the volunteers. We are indebted to the kindness of a friend for a copy of Generals Beauregard's and Johnston's addresses to the Army of the Potomac. The first we have alreJohnston's addresses to the Army of the Potomac. The first we have already published; and we now have the pleasure of laying before our readers the stirring appeal of Gen. Johnston, relating to the re-enlistment question, the all-absorbing topic of conversation in the camps and elsewhere.--We have reliable authority forGen. Johnston, relating to the re-enlistment question, the all-absorbing topic of conversation in the camps and elsewhere.--We have reliable authority for saying that the troops in the Army of the Potomac are rapidly re-enlisting, and we cannot doubt that this address will serve to arouse the volunteers in other portions of the country: General Johnston's address. Headq'rs Dep't of Northern Va.General Johnston's address. Headq'rs Dep't of Northern Va., February 4, 1862. Soldiers! Your country again calls you to the defence of the noblest of human causes. To the indomitable courage already exhibited on the battle-field, you have added the rarer virtues of high endurance, cheerful obedience,