Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: May 13, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Gen Johnston or search for Gen Johnston in all documents.

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Attention, Marylanders. --All native born or adopted citizens of Maryland, now serving in the different regiments of Gen Johnston's army, will be interested in reading "Special Orders, No. 107," of Adjutant General and Inspector, in to-day's paper. The object in view is highly important, and all refugees from Maryland, in the army of the Confederate States, will at once perceive the necessity of organizing the "Maryland Line," around which may cluster the same glories that keeps alive the memory of its revolutionary namesake.
rigade, deployed as skirmishers. As our wagon trains had not passed through the town. It was very necessary to hold the enemy firmly in check and accordingly Gen. Johnston sent for Col. Wickham's and Col. J. Luclus Davis's regiments of Virginia cavalry, and the 1st Company Richmond Howitzers, to hasten back as reinforcements. -- ed with in that direction. The Confederates feel renewed confidence in themselves and their leaders, and are satisfied of success in the impending battles. General Johnston was himself on the field and superintended the operations of our troops. In conclusion, let me state that all the Richmond troops acted with their usual andd well. They lost four men killed: Delaware Crafton, --Branch, --Smith, and --Back, and 11 wounded. The day was very wet, and heavy showers of rain every hour or two. On Monday night Gen. Johnston continued the retreat, begun on the Thursday before, and has not since been molested from the direction of Williamsburg. Potomac.
, upon the result of the battle to be fought near this city within a few days, and which is liable to be precipitated at any moment, and yet you will find the extensive hotels and boarding houses, the splendid saloons, places of amusement, and the beautiful streets and public grounds of the beautiful city, all crowded with soldiers and able-bodied men capable of bearing arms. Thousands of these men are now here, while their brave companions in arms are enduring the hardships and privations of the camp, fighting almost daily, and liable to be brought into a general engagement with the enemy at any moment, which may decide the fate of Richmond. If the beautiful city of Richmond should be lost, like many other unfortunate beauties, her attractions will be the cause of her fall.--With the aid of the men, who have been allured from the camp by the seductive attractions of this beautiful city, Gen. Johnston can drive the Yankee army from the Pe- or make them prisoners. Marion.