Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: May 23, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Gen Johnston or search for Gen Johnston in all documents.

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ge reported to Gen Smith that the corps of Cadets acted with conspicuous gallantry. Wm H. Richardson, A. G. From Gen Johnston's army. The following intelligence of Gen. Johnston's movements is from our latest Southern exchanges. A dispatchGen. Johnston's movements is from our latest Southern exchanges. A dispatch from Calhoun, Ga., dated the 13th, says: Dalton was evacuated last night by our forces, and occupied this morning about ten o'clock by the enemy. Our forces fell back to Resaca, where the enemy attacked them this evening. Considerable artilsing in front of them at Resaca. The enemy evidently expected a small force at this point, and doubtless hoped to reach Johnston's rear unawares and cut him off. Hooker's corps opened the attack on three divisions of our army at 10 A. M. For th The following letter from Dalton, May 10th, gives an interesting description of the character of the fighting before Gen Johnston's last movement: The investment of the gaps still goes on. There has scarcely been a minute of daylight for three