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Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 4. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.) 89 3 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 36 10 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 11. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 17 9 Browse Search
Col. O. M. Roberts, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 12.1, Alabama (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 4 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 7. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 4 4 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 6. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 4 2 Browse Search
The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 10: The Armies and the Leaders. (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller) 4 0 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4. 3 3 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 12. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 3 3 Browse Search
Joseph T. Derry , A. M. , Author of School History of the United States; Story of the Confederate War, etc., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 6, Georgia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 3 1 Browse Search
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Your search returned 177 results in 47 document sections:

Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., The opposing forces at Shiloh. (search)
ze (w); 38th Tenn., Col. R. F. Looney; Ala. Battery, Capt. Wm. H. Ketchum. Brigade loss: k, 89; w, 336; m, 169= 594. Cavalry: Ala. Battalion, Capt. T. F. Jenkins. Cavalry loss, k, 2; w, 6; m, 1 = 9. Second division, Brig.-Gen. Jones M. Withers. First Brigade, Brig.-Gen. A. H. Gladden (m w), Col. Daniel W. Adams (w), Col. Z. C. Deas (w): 21st Ala., Lieut.-Col. S. W. Cayce, Maj. F. Stewart; 22d Ala., Col. Z. C. Deas, Lieut.-Col. John C. Marrast; 25th Ala., Col. J. Q. Loomis (w), Maj. George D. Johnston; 26th Ala., Col. J. G. Coltart (w), Lieut.-Col. William D. Chadick; 1st La., Col. Daniel W. Adams, Maj. F. H. Farrar, Jr.; Ala. Battery, Capt. F. H. Robertson. Brigade loss: k, 129; w, 597; in, 103 = 829. Second Brigade, Brig.-Gen. James R. Chalmers: 5th Miss., Col. A. E. Fant; 7th Miss., Lieut.-Col. H. Mayson; 9th Miss., Lieut.-Col. William A. Rankin (m w); 10th Miss., Col. R. A. Smith; 52d Tenn., Col. B. J. Lea; Ala. Battery, Capt. Charles P. Gage. Brigade loss: k, 83; w, 343; m
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 5. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Editorial paragraphs. (search)
briskly; but there are still a large number of old subscribers to whom we are not now sending our Papers simply because their time is out and they have failed to renew their subscriptions. We are very sorry to part with any of our friends, but we are obliged to insist upon our terms-$3 per annum in advance. We beg that subscribers in every locality will stir up the pure minds of their neighbors by way of remembrance, and will send us new subscribers or the renewals of old ones. General Geo. D. Johnston of Alabama has been duly appointed gene-ral agent of our Society and authorized to travel in our interest, to collect money or material for us, to appoint local agents, or to act for us as occasion may demand. We deemed ourselves fortunate in securing the services of this gallant soldier and accomplished gentleman, and the result has fully justified our expectations. He has been canvassing Nashville with the most gratifying success, and now proposes to visit other cities and tow
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 5. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Editorial paragraphs. (search)
we beg that they will have patience if their articles do not appear promptly. We have on hand a number of papers, reports, &c., which we are anxious to publish at the earliest possible moment, but we are unable to crowd into our pages more than they will hold. On page 137 (March No.) the types make General Taylor speak of the fame of Dubois, when he wrote Louvois, who was, at the time alluded to, the War Minister of Louis the Fourteenth. Our General agent in the West, General George D. Johnston, continues to be most successful in his canvass, and to meet a cordial reception wherever he goes in Tennessee. In Nashville, Clarksville, and Jackson he has secured more than 350 subscribers. He is just beginning the canvass of Memphis. We again commend him as a gallant soldier and an accomplished gentleman every way worthy of confidence and esteem, but he needs no introduction to his comrades of the Western army. Our Trip to Charleston, S. C., and participation in the 22d
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., The Confederate army. (search)
Anderson, Col. J. H. Sharp: 7th Miss., Col. W. H. Bishop; 9th Miss., Maj. T. H. Lynam; 10th Miss., Lieut.-Col. James Barr; 41st Miss., Col. W. F. Tucker; 44th Miss., Col. J. H. Sharp, Lieut.-Col. R. G. Kelsey; 9th Miss. Batt. Sharp-shooters, Maj. W. C. Richards; Ala. Battery, Capt. J. Garrity. Brigade loss: k, 80; w, 464; m, 24 == 568. Deas's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Z. C. Deas: 19th Ala., Col. Samuel K. McSpadden; 22d Ala., Lieut.-Col. John Weedon (k), Capt. H. T. Toulonin; 25th Ala., Col. George D. Johnston; 39th Ala., Col. W. Clark; 50th Ala., Col. J. G. Coltart; 17th Ala. Batt. Sharp-shooters, Capt. Jas. F. Nabers; Robertson's Battery, Lieut. S. H. Dent. Brigade loss: k, 123; w, 578; m, 28 == 729. Manigault's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. A. M. Manigault: 24th Ala., Col. N. N. Davis; 28th Ala., Col. John C. Reid; 34th Ala., Maj. John N. Slaughter; 10th and 19th S. C., Col. James F. Pressley; Ala. Battery (Waters's), Lieut. Charles W. Watkins. Brigade loss: k, 66; w, 426; m, 47 == 539. Buc
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., Opposing forces in the Chattanooga campaign. November 23d-27th, 1863. (search)
s Brigade, Col. W. F. Tucker: 7th and 9th Miss., Col. W. H. Bishop; 10th and 44th Miss., Col. James Barr; 41st Miss.,----; 9th Battalion Miss. Sharpshooters, Maj. W. C. Richards. Manigault's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Arthur M. Manigault: 24th Ala., Col. N. N. Davis; 28th Ala., Lieut.-Col. W. L. Butler; 34th Ala., Capt. R. G. Welch; 10th and 19th S. C., Col. James F. Pressley. Deas's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Z. C. Deas: 19th Ala., Col. S. K. McSpadden; 22d Ala.; Lieut.-Col. B. R. Hart; 25th Ala., Col. G. D. Johnston; 39th Ala., Lieut.-Col. W. C. Clifton; 50th Ala., Col. J. G. Coltart; 17th Ala. Battalion Sharp-shooters, Capt. J. F. Nabers. Vaughan's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. A. J. Vaughan: 11th Tenn., Lieut.-Col. William Thedford; 12th and 47th Tenn., Col. W. M. Watkins; 13th and 154th Tenn., Lieut.-Col. R. W. Pitman; 29th Tenn., Col. Horace Rice. Artillery Battalion, Maj. A. R. Courtney: Ala. Battery, Capt. James Garrity; Dent's Battery, Capt. S. H. Dent; Tex. Battery, Capt. J. P. Douglas. Division l
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., The opposing forces in the Atlanta campaign. May 3d-September 8th, 1864. (search)
ndman's division, Maj.-Gen. T. C. Hindman, Brig.-Gen. John C. Brown, Maj.-Gen. Patton Anderson, Maj.-Gen. Edward Johnson. Escort: B, 3d Ala. Cav., Capt. F. J. Billingslea. Deas's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Z. C. Deas, Col. J. G. Coltart, Brig.-Gen. G. D. Johnston, Col. J. G. Coltart, Lieut.-Col. H. T. Toulmin, Brig.-Gen. Z. C. Deas: 19th Ala., Col. S. K. McSpadden, Lieut.-Col. G. R. Kimbrough; 22d Ala., Col. B. R. Hart, Capt. Isaac M. Whitney, Col. H. T. Toulmin; 25th Ala., Col. G. D. Johnston, Col. G. D. Johnston, Capt. N. B. Rouse; 39th Ala., Lieut.-Col. W. C. Clifton, Capt. T. J. Brannon, Capt. A. J. Miller, Capt. A. A. Cassady; 50th Ala., Col. J. G. Coltart, Capt. G. W. Arnold, Capt. A. D. Ray, Col. J. G. Coltart; 17th Ala. Battalion Sharp-shooters, Capt. J. F. Nabers, Lieut. A. R. Andrews. Manigault's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. A. M. Manigault: 24th Ala., Col. N. N. Davis, Capt. S. H. Oliver, Col. N. N. Davis; 28th Ala., Lieut.-Col. W. L. Butler; 34th Ala., Col. J. C. B. Mitchell, Maj. J. N. Slaughter, Capt
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., The opposing forces at Nashville, Dec. 15-16, 1864. (search)
h Miss. Battalion,----. Ector's Brigade, Col. D. Coleman: 29th N. C., Maj. E. H. Hampton; 39th N. C., Capt. J. G. Crawford; 9th Texas, Maj. J. H. McReynolds; 10th Tex. (dismounted cavalry), Col. C. R. Earp; 14th Tex. (dismounted cavalry), Capt. R. H. Harkey; 32d Texas (dismounted cavalry), Maj. W. E. Estes. Artillery Battalion (Storrs's): Ala. Battery (Kolb's); Miss. Battery (Hoskins's); Mo. Bat'y (Guibor's). Walthall's division, Maj.-Gen. E. C. Walthall. Quarles's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. George D. Johnston: 1st Ala., Lieut. C. M. McRae; 42d, 46th, 49th, 53d, and 55th Tenn., Capt. A. M. Duncan; 48th Tenn., Col. W. M. Voorhies. Cantey's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. C. M. Shelley: 17th Ala., Capt. John Bolling; 26th Ala., Capt. D. M. Gideon; 29th Ala., Capt. S. Abernathy; 37th Miss., Maj. S. H. Terral. Reynolds's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. D. H. Reynolds: 1st Ark. Mounted Rifles (dismounted), Capt. R. P. Parks; 2d Ark. Mounted Rifles (dismounted), Maj. J. P. Eagle; 4th Ark., Maj. J. A. Ross; 9th Ark.
Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Chapter XXII: Operations in Kentucky, Tennessee, North Mississippi, North Alabama, and Southwest Virginia. March 4-June 10, 1862. (ed. Lieut. Col. Robert N. Scott), April 29-June 10, 1862.-advance upon and siege of Corinth, and pursuit of the Confederate forces to Guntown, Miss. (search)
by Col. Joseph Wheeler, Nineteenth Alabama Regiment-list of killed and wounded in affairs on the Monterey road preparatory to the evacuation of Corinth, Miss., May 28 and 29, 1862. Names and commands. Killed. Wounded. Missing. Total. Mortally. Severely. Slightly. Lieut. Col. A. G. Mills, 7th Mississippi Regiment     2 1   3 9th Mississippi Regiment     5 1 6 12 29th Mississippi Regiment 2     1   3 Lieut. Col. E. K. Tracy, 19th Alabama Regiment 3 2 1 3   9 Lieut. Col. G. D. Johnston, 25th Alabama Regiment 1     1 1 3 Col. J. G. Coltart, 26th Alabama Regiment 2         2 Colonel Clanton, 1st Alabama Cavalry   2 4 4   10 Captain Farish's company (Alabama) of cavalry       1   1 Total 8 4 12 12 7 43 Jos. Wheeler, Colonel, Commanding First Brigade No. 85.-report of Col. Morgan L. Smith, Eighth Missouri Infantry, commanding brigade, of operations May 29. Hdqrs. 1ST Brig., 5TH Div., Army of the Tennessee, Near Corinth, Miss.
n Alatoona pass in 1864. William L. Brandon commanded a Cavalry brigade. Nathaniel H. Harris, Colonel of the 19th regiment. Peter B. Stark led a Cavalry brigade in Forrest's Corps. Samuel W. Ferguson commanded a Cavalry brigade. George D. Johnston led a brigade under Bragg. Joseph R. Davis led a brigade in R. E. Lee's Army. Wirt Adams, a conspicuous Cavalry commander. the Army of Northern Virginia, receiving his division on the organization of the Third Army Corps. He died i army, in which he rose to the rank of major-general in May, 1863. He had a brigade in the Second Corps, Army of the Mississippi, and later a command in the District of Georgia, under Beauregard. He was sent with a brigade to the assistance of Johnston in the latter's attempt to keep Grant from Vicksburg, in May, 1863. In August, he was given a division in Hill's Corps, Army of Tennessee, and commanded the reserves at Chickamauga, after which he was in Hardee's Corps in the Chattanooga and At
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 6. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Editorial Paragraphs. (search)
e may write for such papers. If we fail to publish a full discussion of all of the great battles of the West, it will be only because of the failure of the gallant men who made those fields illustrious to furnish us the material. General Geo. D. Johnston, General agent of our Society, whose work in Nashville, Memphis, Jackson and Clarksville, Tennesse, was so successful, expects to begin operations in Louisville and other parts of Kentucky in a few days. A gallant soldier, an accomplished gentleman and a graceful speaker, General Johnston needs no introduction from us; and yet the friends of our good cause can greatly lighten his labors, and help us if they will give him their hearty co-operation. General J. C. Brown, ex-Governor of Tennessee, has kindly consented to deliver an address in the interest of our Society at the Greenbrier White Sulphur Springs about the 7th of August (the exact day will be announced in due season), and it is hoped that many of the members a