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ing the approach from the seaboard. The armies of Johnston and Beauregard, though separated by the Blue Ridgeanding the Federal army in that region, caused General Johnston earnestly to insist upon being allowed to retis of artillery and the enemy's flag. While General Johnston was keeping the army under Patterson in check Garnett was killed. The enemy in front of General Johnston were reinforced, and he, anticipating an attacew days. J. E. J. The enemy did not attack General Johnston, but the Federal army in front of Washington, o the Confederates, and a telegram was sent to General Johnston: Richmond, July 17, 1861. To General J. E. Jot and Inspector-General. To this telegram General Johnston replied: headquarters, Winchester, Va., July Beauregard to-day. Joseph E. Johnston. After Johnston moved to join Beauregard, he telegraphed an inquirn. Jefferson Davis. Though the date of General Johnston's commission gave him precedence, to avoid a m
Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 2, Chapter 10: engagement at Bull Run, and battle of Manassas. (search)
ty-eight years afterward, when he was laid to rest in the Tomb of the Army of Northern Virginia, at New Orleans. General Johnston arrived at General Beauregard's headquarters on July 20th. While on the march, Beauregard sent him a suggestion to ie and attack the rear of the Federal right at Centreville, while his troops from Bull Run assailed that army in front. Johnston did not agree with this plan, he considered it impracticable to direct the movements of troops so distant from each othencouragement. Our line, he said, was broken, all was confusion, the army routed, and the battle lost. I asked for Generals Johnston and Beauregard ; he said they were on the field when he left it. I returned to the conductor and told him that I muf Hercules. As we advanced, the storm of the battle was rolling westward, and its fury became faint. When I met General Johnston, who was upon a hill which commanded a general view of the field of the afternoon's operations, and inquired of him
Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 2, Chapter 11: conferences after the battle of Manassas. (search)
e: At a late hour of the night, I had a conference with Generals Johnston and Beauregard; the Adjutant-General of the latter, Colonel Jir: Permit me to ask you to recall the conference held between General Johnston, yourself, and myself, on the night after the close of the batxander, of your staff, informed me that Captain--, attached to General Johnston's army of the Shenandoah, reported that he had been as far forashington. This statement I at once repeated to Mr. Davis, General Johnston, and yourself, whom I found seated around your table-Mr. Davisour hands, over both Confederate armies during the engagement, General Johnston was that night in chief command. He was decidedly averse to an On the night of the 22d, I held a second conference with Generals Johnston and Beauregard. All the revelations of the day were of the mdes which would prevent the escalade of the works. Turning to General Johnston, he said, They have spared no expense. It was further stated
e troops moved, and the readiness with which our generals modified their preconceived plans to meet the necessities as they were developed, entitled them to the commendation so liberally bestowed at the time by their countrymen at large. General Johnston had been previously promoted to the highest grade in our army, and I deemed it but a fitting reward for the services rendered by General Beauregard that he should be promoted to the same grade, to which accordingly I promoted him at once. l subordinates. He was approachable by all, even to the lowest in rank. The latter is given in illustration. On Monday, July 22, 1861, the day after the first battle of Manassas, it was raining very hard; President Davis, Beauregard, and Johnston were holding a council of war in a tent. A young Mr. Fauntleroy, of my company, asked me to go with him on a little matter of business, not telling me what it was. He took me in the direction of the Moss mansion, and upon reaching the arched ga
Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 2, Chapter 13: responsibility for the failure to pursue. (search)
hitherto given. Wherefore I addressed to General Johnston the following inquiry, which, though restthat in this I found myself mistaken. General Johnston, in his report, represented an order to horsement: The telegram referred to by General Johnston in this report, as received by him at aboou expressed a desire for the junction of General Johnston's army with your own. The movement was pantially as follows: I proposed that General Johnston should unite, as soon as possible, the buuld be achieved within fifteen days after General Johnston should march from Winchester for Manassasson having been virtually destroyed, then General Johnston would reinforce General Garnett sufficiett was to form an immediate junction with General Johnston, who was forthwith to cross the Potomac if practicable had reference to letters of General Johnston of July 12th and 15th, which made it extre of about 25,000 men from the command of General Johnston. The letters of General Johnston show hi[8 more...]
Chapter 14: General Johnston's correspondence. After the battle of Manassas the Confederate ar Although after combining the armies of Generals Johnston and Beauregard at Manassas the command oe whole would unquestionably devolve upon General Johnston, matters did not apparently run smoothly August 1, 1861, President Davis wrote to General Johnston at Manassas as follows: We are anxioof the foregoing letter of the President, General Johnston addressed him as follows: headquarters, body returning the thanks of Congress to General Johnston, to General Beauregard, and to the officeced the irritation (if nothing more) that General Johnston mentions. That it did not interfere, howserved in their later correspondence. General Johnston's remark that the President's irritation r heard him utter a word in derogation of General Johnston, though he often differed from him in hisn connection with the foregoing letter of General Johnston, it may be as well to give here the roste[7 more...]
Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 2, Chapter 19: effort to effect exchange of prisoners-evacuation of Manassas-visit to Fredericksburg. (search)
Jefferson Davis. The President immediately went to General Johnston's headquarters, and found him on the south bank of thued to command the other side down to Fredericksburg, General Johnston replied he did not know, that he had not been there for many years. The President and General Johnston proceeded to Fredericksburg, and a reconnaissance soon manifested thatequate. While in Fredericksburg the President and General Johnston were the guests of J. Temple Doswell, and at his housait the further development of the enemy's plans. General Johnston, in an article in the Century of May, 1885, entitled any great importance to history whether Mr. Davis and General Johnston did or did not visit Fredericksburg together, still poof is presented that such a visit was made, and that General Johnston's memory has failed him. In the Rebellion Recordsitively that it was before the arrival here of any of General Johnston's troops on their movement toward Yorktown, and befor
of War, George Randolph, and General Lee, then stationed in Richmond. General Johnston asked that he might invite General Longstreet and General G. W. Smith to bk and keep command of the James River. The Confederates numbered, when General Johnston took command, over 50,000 men. On April 16th, an assault was made uponfect the defences. By the following telegram, sent by the President to General Johnston, the contents of that which he had received from him will be readily inferoats. Will the safety of your army allow more time? Jefferson Davis. General Johnston withdrew his army from the line of the Warwick River on the night of April loss of public property was, as anticipated by Mr. Davis, very great. General Johnston, after an engagement at Williamsburg, in which the Fifth North Carolina wa repair. He thought it could have been held, and yet had much faith in General Johnston's military opinions, and more in his patriotism. Our supplies of every
Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 2, Chapter 26: the gun-boats in the James River-battle of seven Pines. (search)
y afternoon I went to the headquarters of General Johnston's army, about twenty-two or three miles fe. When it was known in Richmond that General Johnston's army had fallen back to the vicinity ofving a definite reply to a letter sent to General Johnston by his aide-decamp, Colonel G. W. C. Lee,le army had crossed the Chickahominy. General Johnston explained that he thought the water of thood water. General McClellan following up Johnston's movement, drew his lines nearer to the Conf; effectives present 105,825. The army under Johnston, 62,696 effectives. On May Igth, my husbald about the time we had together visited General Johnston, I answered that McClellan should be attaad in front of me; at the same time I saw General Johnston ride across the field from a house beforeery in position. Soon after our arrival, General Johnston, who had gone farther to the right, wherethe wood, I heard for the first time that General Johnston had been severely wounded, and compelled [7 more...]
n the public confidence is without a precedent. At the commencement of the war he enjoyed the highest reputation of any officer on the continent. The operations of General Lee in the short campaign which is just over were certainly those of a master. No captain that ever lived could have planned or executed a better campaign. It was perfect in all its parts, and will be set down hereafter as among the models which the military student will be required to study. The army under General Johnston on May 31st, from official reports,. showed an effective strength of 62,696. Deduct the losses sustained in the battle of Seven Pines, as shown by the official reports of casualties, say, 6,084 and we have 56,612 as the number of effectives when General Lee took command of the Army of Northern Virginia. Before the seven days battles around Richmond, reinforcements to the number of 24, 50 were brought to the army, so that at the beginning of the contest with McClellan, Lee had 8
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