Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 10. (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for J. E. Johnston or search for J. E. Johnston in all documents.

Your search returned 74 results in 3 document sections:

nd other corroborating reports, I said to General Johnston, in closing my dispatch: I am collecting the following telegram was dispatched to General Johnston. The troops sent you were taken from Portnemy took possession of the place; but as General Johnston was commanding there in person, his offict once with your order. The detachment General Johnston speaks of in his communication, consistedend above. Two couriers had arrived from General Johnston on the twenty-eighth and twenty-ninth,resly I received the following dispatch from General Johnston: May 20, 1863. I am too weak to t, the following dispatch was sent out to General Johnston: Your dispatches of fourteenth and sI have not the copy, I suggested that, as General Johnston deemed it impracticable to do more than b The dispatch of June twenty-second from General Johnston, rendered it painfully apparent that the t not to have been given. My position on General Johnston's staff, and my relations to him, caused [62 more...]
lity so suddenly and unexpectedly devolved upon me by this position, and shall bend all my energies and employ all my skill to meet its requirements. I look with confidence to your patriotism to stand by me, and rely upon your prowess to wrest your country from the grasp of the invader, entitling yourselves to the proud distinction of being called the deliverers of an oppressed people. Respectfully, J. B. Hood, General Kinlock Falconer, A. A. A. G. Colonel Ewell, A. A. General. General Johnston's official report. Vineville, Ga., October 20, 1864. Sir: I have the honor to make the following report of the operations of the Army of Tennessee, while it was under my command. Want of the reports of the Lieutenant-Generals, for which I have waited until now, prevents me from being circumstantial: In obedience to the orders of the President, received by telegraph at Clinton, Mississippi, December eighteenth, 1863, I assumed command of the Army of Tennessee, at Dalton, on t
fully refer you to documents for the names of the killed and wounded of the different regiments. I cannot call especial attention to one of the field officers under my command without doing injustice to others. Lieutenant-Colonel Wells, assisted by Captains Kennedy and Wells, of the Third Mississippi; Lieutenant-Colonel Lyon, assisted by Major Henry of the Eighth Kentucky; Colonel Gregg, Lieutenant-Colonel Clough, and Major Granbury of the Seventh Texas; Lieutenant-Colonel Hamilton and Major Johnston, of the First Mississippi, all won for themselves the confidence of their commands, and are entitled to the highest commendation of their countrymen. Captain R. B. Ryan and Sergeant-Major T. H. Wilson acted as my aids, and discharged their duty gallantly. It would give me much pleasure to mention the names of company officers who distinguished themselves for efficiency and gallantry, but their conduct will be made known by their respective regimental commanders. I am, sir, your obed