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g the Federal army in that region, caused General Johnston earnestly to insist on being allowed to r of his campaign, unless it was to detain General Johnston with his forces in the valley of the Shenorcements from the other). On July 9th General Johnston wrote an official letter, from which I mar-General. The confidence reposed in General Johnston, sufficiently evinced by the important cocounts received at the time, the plans of General Johnston for masking his withdrawal to form a juncsition at Manassas, the order was sent to General Johnston to move to that point. His letters of thhat it was, at the time, so understood by General Johnston, is shown by his reply to the telegram. s action. (Signed) Jefferson Davis. General Johnston, by his promotion to the grade of generalouted, and the battle lost. I asked for Generals Johnston and Beauregard; he said they were on thed its fury became more faint. When I met General Johnston, who was upon a hill which commanded a ge[1 more...]
you to recall the conference held between General Johnston, yourself, and myself, on the night afternt the escalade of the works. Turning to General Johnston, he said, They have spared no expense. I was made to them. The entire silence of General Johnston in regard to those conferences is noticeastantially as follows: I proposed that General Johnston should unite, as soon as possible, the bulished, the Army of the Shenandoah, under General Johnston, increased with a part of my forces and ruld be achieved within fifteen days after General Johnston should march from Winchester for Manassasmand of General Johnston. The letters of General Johnston show his effective force to have been onl orders. I then requested him to inform Generals Johnston and Beauregard of my position, and my deduty assigned him with great ability, and General Johnston gives him full credit therefor. Where, tBeauregard immediately rode to the front, General Johnston taking position near and to the left of t[46 more...]
n as unsafe the first policy retreat of General Johnston the plans of the enemy our strength mag yours, Jefferson Davis. On May 26th General Johnston's attention was again called to the organ861. When at that time and place I met General Johnston for conference, he called in the two genee hundred on hand. I cannot suppose that General Johnston could have noticed the statement that his with which he was to make the campaign. General Johnston remonstrated against this transfer and ths, Jefferson Davis. To complaints by General Johnston that the discipline of his army was intertnight after this letter, I received from General Johnston notice that his position was considered uance. The subsequent correspondence with General Johnston during the winter expressed an expectatioerson Davis. To further inquiry from General Johnston as to where he should take position, I rend the other side down to Fredericksburg, General Johnston answered that he did not know; that he ha[6 more...]