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n previously detached from the army under General Johnston. On April 9th General Magruder's command stated that General J. E. Wharton (no doubt, Johnston) had the day before arrived in Yorktown with nd in general charge of army operations. General Johnston asked that he might invite General Longst, to which I assented. At this meeting General Johnston announced his plan to be, the withdrawal ll as I remember, was in full accord with General Johnston, and General Longstreet partially so. Shenandoah Valley, and, with the rest of General Johnston's command, to make a junction with Generaes on the Peninsula, which amounted, when General Johnston assumed command, to something over fifty er we arrived in Norfolk, an officer from General Johnston's army made his appearance, with an order Secretary of War, for about a week after General Johnston sent orders to General Huger to leave immRiver to make a junction with the army of General Johnston. Previously, detachments had been sent
er 21: A New phase to our military problem General Johnston's position defenses of James River attack on Fort Drewry Johnston crosses the Chickahominy position of McClellan position of McDowell strength of opposing forces Jackson'e a new phase to our military problem. Soon after, General Johnston took position on the north side of the Chickahominy; se of the enemy's gunboats at Drewry's Bluff, I wrote General Johnston a letter to be handed to him by my aide, Colonel G. Wy definite reply, I soon thereafter rode out to visit General Johnston at his headquarters, and was surprised in the suburbs that the whole army had crossed the Chickahominy. General Johnston's explanation of this (to me) unexpected movement wasts as far up as Drewry's Bluff, and the withdrawal of General Johnston across the Chickahominy made it quite practicable fore added, and the effective strength of the army under General Johnston on May 31, 1862, was 62,696. Four Years with General
the preparation of the original returns. A statement of the strength of the troops under General Johnston shows that on May 21, 1862, he had present for duty as follows: Smith's dvision, consistwith General Lee. states: In addition to the troops above enumerated as the strength of General Johnston on May 21, 1862, there were two brigades subject to his orders then stationed in the vicinin of the army around Richmond, heretofore given, but previous to the battle of Seven Pines, General Johnston was reenforced by General Huger's division of three brigades. The total strength of these wo thousand six hundred and ninety-six (62,696) as the effective strength of the army under General Johnston on May 31, 1862. Deduct the losses sustained in the battle of Seven Pines as shown by tho be in the Army of Virginia until after the seven days, and that another brigade, of which General Johnston admitted he did not know the strength, Colonel Marshall thought it safer to refer to as the
ned. He gives the following extract from General Johnston's reply of April 3d to his request: Ibe made by that army, and, supposing that General Johnston would be convinced of the fact if he repaselves favorable to the plan indicated by General Johnston. The others, including Major General Lorside of the railroad, and sent a reply to General Johnston to notify him of the retrograde movement Vicksburg is dependent on the success of General Johnston in an attack on the investing force. The consequent evacuation of Snyder's Mills. General Johnston wrote: If Haines's Bluff is untenablell his general officers, laid before them General Johnston's communication, and desired their opiniock River to watch for the expected advance of Johnston, when Sherman was to be notified, so that he emed a fair chance of accomplishment. General Johnston, being informed on the 5th of the surrending three regimental colors. On the 15th General Johnston was assured that the remainder of Grant's[20 more...]
ttahoochee popular demand for removal of General Johnston assignment of General J. B. Hood to the ere among the considerations presented to General Johnston, at my request, by Brigadier General W. Neously with, and in aid of this movement, General Johnston proposed that a large cavalry force be seticable, I took prompt measures to enable General Johnston to carry out immediately his own propositpages. On the morning of May 2, 1864, General Johnston discovered that the enemy, under the comm him at Resaca, the effective strength of General Johnston's army was not less than 68,620 men of alening his line of communications, induced General Johnston to fall back from Resaca toward Adairsvilhe mountains. After abandoning Resaca, General Johnston hoped to find a good position near Calhousubject of dispute, did not take place as General Johnston had originally announced, and, instead oftenant General Polk. Having accompanied Generals Johnston and Hardee to the Confederate outpost on[11 more...]
had are well understood. By the South laying down their arms, they will hasten that most desirable event, save thoussands of human lives and hundreds of millions of property not yet destroyed. When General Sherman made an agreement with General Johnston for formal disbandment of the army of the latter, it was at once disapproved by the government of the United States, and Sherman therefore wrote to Johnston: I demand the surrender of your army on the same terms as were given to General Johnston: I demand the surrender of your army on the same terms as were given to General Lee at Appomattox, on April 9th, purely and simply. It remains to be stated that the government which spurned all these proposals for peace, and gave no terms but unconditional and immediate surrender, was instituted and organized for the purposes and objects expressed in the following extract, and for no others: We, the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general
the Confederate forces in North Carolina General Johnston's estimate General Johnston assigned to General Johnston assigned to the command the enemy's advance from Columbia to Fayetteville, North Carolina foraging parties Shseekers by Sherman's aide-de-camp failure of Johnston's projected attack at Fayetteville affair ate Union of Sherman's and Schofield's forces Johnston's retreat to Raleigh. After the evacuationperations, I assented to the assignment. General Johnston, on February 23d at Charlotte, North Caroand. General Lee's first instructions to General Johnston were to concentrate all available forces d the credit due to a vigorous effort. General Johnston's force, according to his estimate when hould be directed to Goldsboro or Raleigh, General Johnston took position with a portion of his commaield. Early in the morning of the 18th General Johnston obtained definite information that Generaout a day's march distant from the left. General Johnston took immediate steps to attack the head o[2 more...]
forts, of necessity, fell with the main work, Fisher, and were abandoned. Hoke, with his small force retiring through Wilmington after destroying the public vessels and property, to prevent them from falling into the hands of the enemy, slowly fell back, fighting at several points, and seeking to find in the separation of the vastly superior army which was following him an opportunity to attack a force the number of which should not greatly exceed his own, finally made a junction with General Johnston, then opposing Sherman's advance through North Carolina. The fixed purpose of General Grant's campaign of 1864 was the capture of Richmond, the Confederate capital. For this he had assembled the large army with which he crossed the Rapidan and fought the numerous battles between there and the James River. For this he had moved against Petersburg, the capture of which in itself was not an object so important as to have justified the effort made to that end. It was only valuable beca
surrender because the administration had failed to provide food for their support. On July 14, 1873, General St. John addressed to me a report of the operations and condition of the commissariat immediately preceding the surrender of Lee's and Johnston's armies. That report, together with confirmatory statements, will be found in the Southern Historical Society Papers for March, 1877. From it and the accompanying documents I propose to make brief extracts. General St. John says that in Fee moving toward the south around the west side of Danville, and we removed thence to Greensboro, passing a railroad bridge, as was subsequently learned, a very short time before the enemy's cavalry reached and burned it. I had telegraphed to General Johnston from Danville the report that Lee had surrendered; on arriving at Greensboro, I conditionally requested him to meet me there, where General Beauregard at the time had his headquarters, my object being to confer with both of them in regard to
ctions to General Johnston statements of General Johnston his surrender my movements South order in Fortress Monroe. The invitation to General Johnston for a conference, noticed in a previous c introduced to the generals in that form, General Johnston was very reserved, and seemed far less that I suposed would soon follow, I invited General Johnston to an expression of his choice of a line in that State for the supposed retreat of General Johnston's army through the State. This duty, witht hours after noon of April 24, 1865. General Johnston communicated to me the substance of the a to me while at Charlotte, North Carolina. Johnston's Narrative, pp. 408, 409. The first is that sent to me personally! Yet this is what General Johnston claims to have resisted, when without any been made with General Lee, and he says, General Johnston, without hesitation, agreed to, and we exmies. Sherman further writes that he told Johnston that the terms given to General Lee's army we[18 more...]