Browsing named entities in Alfred Roman, The military operations of General Beauregard in the war between the states, 1861 to 1865. You can also browse the collection for J. E. Johnston or search for J. E. Johnston in all documents.

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s to Goldsboroa. his tardy junction with General Johnston. wisdom of General Beauregard's plan Vint on the day after this despatch was received Johnston superseded Beauregard in command of the trooph wherein he asked for the appointment of General Johnston, the following words: It is necessary to at of Sherman's army to be accomplished? General Johnston had none, and General Beauregard's forcesrves, not expected to leave the State. General Johnston's Narrative of Military Operations, p. 57General Beauregard, he proposes, not that General Johnston shall be called from retirement and held Edge Hill, Feb. 24th, 1865. Now that General Johnston has been placed in command of his old armt might arise, was so much to be dreaded, General Johnston, at the request of General Lee, In Preon which naturally arises now is, how did General Johnston carry out these instructions? We know th Southern people and their Government. General Johnston's l Narrative of Military Operations, p. [2 more...]
Smithfield, where was the greater part of General Johnston's force, amounting to less than twenty thhapter, where will be found a letter from General Johnston to General Beauregard (with the latter's ted Baltimore, Md., March 30th, 1868. General Johnston lost no time in causing this letter to be, was marching towards Greensboroa, where General Johnston's headquarters had been established. TheGeneral Beauregard referred the matter to General Johnston, as was plainly the proper course to be pt he could not, just then, inform them of General Johnston's purpose; that the latter would, no doubnged for the proposed conference between Generals Johnston and Sherman, who met, accordingly, at noy prepared —to their honor be it said—by Generals Johnston and Sherman. Apparently, the Secretaral. No answer was given to this. General Johnston received neither orders nor instructions rms were agreed upon the next day between General Johnston and General Schofield, who had been empow[33 more...]<
5:7.30 A. M. Before leaving here the Secretary of War promised to have General Johnston's aids and mine commissioned majors, according to law. Has it been done? nd myself strongly recommended to the President the promotion of yours and General Johnston's aides-de-camp; and though the matter was considered by him, the order foiately forwarded to Charlotte; which was done. He afterwards learned that General Johnston, on arriving at that place, found these cars again unprotected, and that h members of his general staff whose route lay in a different direction, to General Johnston, to his military household, and to many officers who had not yet left, he l were the masses then; sorrowful, despondent, heart-broken he found them now. Johnston's army after Lee's, Taylor's after Johnston's, had surrendered. The Trans-MisJohnston's, had surrendered. The Trans-Mississippi forces, under Kirby Smith, must soon do the same. It was for them a question not even of days but of hours. None, except perhaps Mr. Davis, could then imag
le, without injury to yourself, to afford General Johnston the full benefit of your support. I bely before Sherman and Schofield could unite. Johnston now commands here. G. T. Beauregard. 65. Genl. R. E. Lee, Petersburg, Va.: General Johnston assumed command day before yesterday (25tgram of the 4th inst., from Rockingham to General Johnston, who is on his way to Fayetteville. You dently the objective points of the enemy, General Johnston and myself contemplate a concentration ofmight agree upon with General Sherman. General Johnston telegraphed to that effect to President D. In accordance with instructions from General Johnston, I have directed Lieutenant-General Harde are made that negotiations are afoot between Johnston and Sherman. If such be not the case, it wou Archer Anderson, A. A. Genl. By order of Genl. Johnston. Circular. Headquarters, Army ocher Anderson, A. A. Genl. By command of General Johnston. General Johnston to General Beaureg[16 more...]