Browsing named entities in Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II.. You can also browse the collection for Joseph Johnston or search for Joseph Johnston in all documents.

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success would have cut our army in two, and probably compelled a hasty concentration to recover our lines and works; thereby opening a door for the unassailed withdrawal of the Rebel army southward by the most direct route, to unite with that of Johnston and thus overpower Sherman. It was delivered by Gordon with two divisions: all that was disposable of the Rebel Army of Virginia being collected just behind the assaulting column and held in hand as a support. Gordon charged at daybreak; urs ere this, the Rebel government, with its belongings, had passed down the railroad several miles north of Petersburg to Danville, where it halted, and whither Lee hoped to follow it with the remnant of his army; thence forming a junction with Johnston, and thus collecting a force which, if too weak to protract the contest, would at least be strong enough to command favorable terms. But now the purpose and value of Grant's tenacious, persistent extensions of his left became palpable to the mo
Stoneman's raid into North Carolina Sherman's arrangement with Jo. Johnston repudiated by the Government reasons therefor Johnston surrenJohnston surrenders Dick Tayler ditto dissolution of the Confederacy flight and capture of Davis Kirby Smith's voice still for War Sheridan's expedition Before returning to Sherman — whom we left at Goldsboroa, facing Johnston, who was at Smithfield, north of him, covering Raleigh — we must gchmond. He now impelled a determined advance April 10. against Johnston, who, with 40,000 men, still lay at Smithfield; which was entered, at 10 A. M. next day, by our 14th corps, supported by the 20th: Johnston, burning the bridge over the Neuse, retreating on Raleigh without a ugh Raleigh April 13. in a heavy rain; his right wing following Johnston's line of retreat by Hillsboroa toward Greensboroa, while his leftore southerly route by Pittsboroa and Ashboroa, in anticipation of Johnston's following the railroad south-westward from Greensborough to Sali
r Little Osage, 561. Bentonville, N. C., Jo. Johnston attacks at, 707. Bidwell, Gen., killed asoldiers, 619. Bragg, Gen. Braxton. joins Johnston at Corinth, 60; at Pittsburg Landing, 60; inv at Fort Wagner, 477. Chattahoochee river, Johnston retreats across, 630. Chattanooga, Bragg m., captured by McPherson, 306; Sherman drives Johnston's army out of, 317. Jaensen, Major, killedonville, Tenn., assaulted by Forrest, 679. Johnston, Gen. Joseph E., succeeds Beauregard in commatonville, 707; surrenders to Sherman, 754. Johnston, Gen. Albert Sidney, abandons Bowling Green, h Mountain, 198. Resaca, Ga., abandoned by Johnston, 626. Revere, Col., Mass., killed at Getty103; at the assault on Vicksburg, 310; drives Johnston out of Jackson, Miss., 817; reenforces Grant 07; reaches Goldsboroa, 708; advances against Johnston at Smithfield, 751; arrangement with Johnstonhts Hardee at Averysboroa, 706; attacked by Jo. Johnston at Bentonville, 707. Smith, Gen. Gustavu[2 more...]